I just had a badass transformational session with a client (Thanks to this…)

I just had a badass transformational session with a client (Thanks to this…)

My Enneagram geek is super happy!! 😆

I can’t wait to read this book I just received!

Personal development is a BIG value of mine.  I’m committed to my personal and professional growth. 

For the past four months, I’ve been diving into the Enneagram through a six-month program I’m taking with one of my mentors and ten like-minded people.

The Enneagram is a powerful tool for personal and collective transformation based on a typology of nine interconnected personality types. 

This work has been so transformational for me and my clients. 

I just had a totally badass transformational session with a client thanks to the knowledge I’m gaining about each type, their unique challenges, and what they need to transform.

She told me this was the first time ever (at 30 years old) she had opened to anybody at such a vulnerable level, beyond all the masks and walls she had built over the years to protect herself and her image.

I love my work so much!!

…and I’m committed to YOU loving your work too!


P.S. Here are ways I can support you or people you know (friends, relatives, coworkers):

  • For my advanced clients (past and current): I’ve 3 spaces available in my continuation group program “Keep Up the Momentum” starting soon! If you are curious and want to learn more, email me by Tuesday, July 16. 
  • For new clients: I’ve 2 spaces open for my  “Land the Career You Love 1:1 coaching program.” Apply here to schedule a time to chat with me.
LIVE from my outdoor office… This is what I’m up to (Pics)

LIVE from my outdoor office… This is what I’m up to (Pics)

Welcome to my outdoor office from where I’m writing this.

I’m blessed with a beautiful view of the San Franciso Bay.

…and with a family of deers that comes to visit me from time to time.

I am doing a lot of behind the scenes work right now. This is why you are not hearing from me as much this Summer.

I’m working on some important projects for my clients and the expansion of my business.

This includes:

  • the continuation of my “Keep Up the Momentum” group program for my advanced clients.
    • The first 3-month program was such a success (my clients loved it!) that I decided to do an extension of it until the end of the year. 
    • This is an intimate support group designed to help my advanced clients:
      – stay on the path
      – keep up the momentum
      – get unstuck
      – move to the next level of clarity or action, whatever that may be.
      – get the support of like-minded people on the same journey
    • If you are a past client or an existing client who has worked with me for at least 3-4 months, this program is for you! If you are curious and want to chat, please send me an email by Sunday, July 14. 
  • a full rebranded website that will be live soon. I’m excited to share it with you when it’s ready!
  • and other bigger projects for the expansion of my business and my life. 

I’m also continuing upleveling my self-care and prioritizing things I love.

This includes:

  • doing a VIP day with a color and image consultant to align my outer with my inner essence. Very powerful and transformative work! I loved it. and it aligns with my passion for beauty, style, and fashion.
  • diving into authentic relating and relational mastery groups and practices. Authentic, deep, and vulnerable communication is a big value of mine. Honoring this value has been extremely nourishing for me. 
  • deepening my personal and professional transformation through the Enneagram. Very powerful work for myself and my work with my clients!
  • and getting ready for a two-week vacation soon!

What are you up to?

I’d love to hear!

Happy Summer (or Winter, depending on which hemisphere you are in)!


Where did I go??! (pic + VIDEO inside)

Where did I go??! (pic + VIDEO inside)

Where have I been in the past few weeks??

You may have wondered since I have not written to you in a little while…

This pic is a hint of where I have been!

To find out more and to hear how I take care of myself when things get more challenging,


It was not my intention to disconnect from you. I LOVE sending these emails and inspirational messages.


In the past few weeks, I’ve needed to tend to my emotional body while taking care of my clients.

I made this video to inspire you to do the same when you need to.

To your brilliant and balanced life!


Women leaders: this is for you! (or for women leaders you know)

Women leaders: this is for you! (or for women leaders you know)

Are you or do you know a woman leader looking to expand her leadership and influence in the world?

If so, I’d love to invite you to the All In For Women Summit happening in San Francisco this Thursday.

Please pass this along to a woman you know who may benefit from it. 

I’m excited to be a featured career and executive coach at the Summit. I’ll be doing 40-min 1:1 coaching sessions with high-potential and high-achieving women leaders attending the Summit.

There are also workshops and great opportunities for networking and interesting conversations.

JOIN ME at this high-powered event to hone the necessary skills to cultivate healthy forms of leadership, build your personal brand, and harness your passion to make your mark as an influencer!

>> Find more and register here.

Hope to see you (or a woman you know) there!


P.S. if you or someone you know is going, please let me know so that I can say hi!

THIS is what it takes to get unstuck. Are you READY?

THIS is what it takes to get unstuck. Are you READY?

“This is probably one of the biggest paradigm shifts I’ve experienced in my life.
The most profound experience in the past 10 years, maybe ever.”

~ This is what one of my clients said in our 1:1 session last week about the impact of our process.

Are you stuck in your career?
Have you been turning in circles for years, or even decades, trying desperately to find the career you love, but the path keeps eluding you?

if so, it’s because you are stuck in an old framework of solving the problem that you keep repeating over and over.

But this decision framework you keep repeating does not work!

It’s why you are stuck.

You need…

  • A NEW FRAMEWORK to make career decisions. 
  • A decision framework that actually WORKS.
  • A CHANGE IN PARADIGM, like what my clients experience in my process with them.

This is what I do with my clients. I provide them with a TOTALLY NEW FRAMEWORK to find the career they love.

A framework that sticks. A framework that works.
Are you ready to finally get unstuck?
Are you ready to look at your situation from a totally new perspective?
Are you ready for YOUR paradigm shift?

If so, I would love to help!

>> Apply here for a Complimentary Find the Career You Absolutely Love Breakthrough Session. 

and I’ll be in touch with next steps if this sounds like a fit for you.

I know that waking up excited to go to work is POSSIBLE for you.
I want that for you.


P.S. Your paradigm shift is waiting for you. Don’t wait!  Take your first step towards it.