Is that you?

Is that you?

Welcome to September!

A season of new beginnings!

I am excited to get started with two fabulous new clients on their journey to discovering the career they absolutely love! 

The two slots I had open last month for 1:1 clients in my  “Land the Career You Love” coaching program have been claimed.
One of my new clients is originally from Croatia.

We talked 4 years ago; she was not ready then. She reached out again and now, she is going for it! I’m loving her dedication and go-getter energy. Only two sessions and she is already rocking it!

I can’t wait to see what beautiful gifts and career path we are going to uncover for her. 

In the past 12 months, I have had several clients who reached out to me before (or attended one of my workshops at General Assembly in San Francisco) but were not ready then to make the jump and embark on the journey to discovering the career they love.

Months or even years later, they reached out again ready, and more committed and dedicated than ever. These clients often totally rock it. Because they are fully in and are done being miserable at work. 

I know that some other people I talked to in the past were not ready then, and are ready now. 

Is that you? (or maybe someone you know)

If so, I’ve great news! 

I’m opening up two new slots this month for my “Land the Career You Love” 1:1 coaching program. 

Two of my current clients are graduating soon, and I want to give an opportunity to two people who are ready to rock these last four months of 2019 and start 2020 doing work they love!

>> If this is you, apply here to schedule a time to chat with me. 
(or if not you, maybe someone you know (friend, spouse, colleague, relative) who need help discovering the career they love)

How would that feel like to finally get the support you need and start 2020 doing work you love?

Or do you prefer to keep delaying this and start 2020 as bored and unhappy at work that you have been for years? 

  • How long are you going to say: “Now is not the time”?
  • How long have you been delaying this?

Be honest with yourself.

This does not have to stay the same. You can do something about it. Actually only you can. 

If you are feeling the call, I’m here to support you. 

This is my purpose and my mission in this world.


P.S. I know it’s possible for you to wake up excited to go to work in the morning. I want that for you.
>> Apply here to schedule a time to chat with me about how I can help you start 2020 clear and excited about the work you are here to do.
Please forward this email to people you know (spouse, friend, relative, coworker) who need the help!

Woohoo! They are all continuing!!

Woohoo! They are all continuing!!

A few months ago, I announced the creation of an intimate group program called “Keep Up the Momentum”  geared toward my advanced clients who need extra support to:

  • stay on the path
  • keep up the momentum
  • get unstuck
  • move to the next level of clarity or action
  • get the support of like-minded people on the same journey

Well, I’m excited to announce that the first iteration of this group program was a SUCCESS!

My clients loved it so much that they asked for more! 

  • the inspiration they received from each other propelled them to new levels of clarity, confidence, and action. 
  • several of them decided to jump and go for their dreams.
  • they loved the support and accountability they received through my coaching and the presence of the other members.

So, I decided to offer another group program starting in August and running until December

>> If you are one of my advanced or past clients reading this and you are curious or interested, email me by Tuesday, August 13, and we’ll schedule a time to chat.  


>> If you have never worked with me and have been stuck in work you hate for a while, this is the time to jump in! I’m currently talking to people interested in getting help to discover the career they love. I have a few availabilities for new 1:1 clients.
Apply here to schedule a complimentary breakthrough session with me. 


I’m on a mission to help as many people as I can do the work they absolutely love.

This is one of my greatest joy to serve that way!


THIS is what it takes to get unstuck. Are you READY?

THIS is what it takes to get unstuck. Are you READY?

“This is probably one of the biggest paradigm shifts I’ve experienced in my life.
The most profound experience in the past 10 years, maybe ever.”

~ This is what one of my clients said in our 1:1 session last week about the impact of our process.

Are you stuck in your career?
Have you been turning in circles for years, or even decades, trying desperately to find the career you love, but the path keeps eluding you?

if so, it’s because you are stuck in an old framework of solving the problem that you keep repeating over and over.

But this decision framework you keep repeating does not work!

It’s why you are stuck.

You need…

  • A NEW FRAMEWORK to make career decisions. 
  • A decision framework that actually WORKS.
  • A CHANGE IN PARADIGM, like what my clients experience in my process with them.

This is what I do with my clients. I provide them with a TOTALLY NEW FRAMEWORK to find the career they love.

A framework that sticks. A framework that works.
Are you ready to finally get unstuck?
Are you ready to look at your situation from a totally new perspective?
Are you ready for YOUR paradigm shift?

If so, I would love to help!

>> Apply here for a Complimentary Find the Career You Absolutely Love Breakthrough Session. 

and I’ll be in touch with next steps if this sounds like a fit for you.

I know that waking up excited to go to work is POSSIBLE for you.
I want that for you.


P.S. Your paradigm shift is waiting for you. Don’t wait!  Take your first step towards it.


I’m facilitating FOUR workshops this Spring…

I’m facilitating FOUR workshops this Spring…

One of my favorite things to do is to lead workshops! 

Well, I’m excited to lead FOUR workshops in San Francisco this Spring.

I’ll be facilitating my signature class Career Shift: Find Work You Love at General Assembly on these dates:
March 11
April 15
May 6
June 3

If you are local to the Bay Area,join me! I’d love to have you. 🙂
…..or share with people you know (relatives, coworkers, friends, etc) who may benefit from it. 

If you are not local to the Bay but interested, let me know. I can send you a recording of a webinar I did about this topic. It’s not as in-depth, but it will give you a first start on the topic. 

and if you want me to lead a workshop or a talk in your organization or community, let me know. I love being of service by giving talks and workshops and reaching more people that way, locally and internationally. It can be done in English or in French 🙂

To your brilliance!


So you think you are too old to change careers? READ THIS.

Do you dream about changing careers but worry you may be too old for a career reinvention? 

or it may be too late for you?

Well, if this is the case, READ this!

Whether you are in your 30s, 40s, 50s, or even 60s.

….or even 20s. I’ve heard people in their 20s worrying it was too late for them!!

In the past few weeks, I celebrated:

  • one of my clients who just started a non-profit to fight climate change. She had never thought one day she would do that.
  • another one, who is a lawyer, was offered to buy a successful women’s clothing company that supports body diversity. She is going for it!

Guess what?

Both of them are in their mid-50s.

I am so freaking proud of them!!

Still not convinced?

Wait until you read this…

One of my current clients is in her 60s and she is ROCKING it!! Working with her is such a joy! She is sharp and funny.

She wants to stay mentally alert and find another meaningful work/endeavor for the last stage of her life.

So, do you still think you are too old to change careers??


If so, really think twice. 

You may be creating your own limits.

Because, here is the TRUTH:

It is NEVER too late to change careers to find meaningful work.

Nope. it’s not.

Unless you believe it is.

Your beliefs create your reality.

What do you want to believe?

You choose.

To your fulfillment in work and life, whatever your age!


p.s. My grandma is 101. My other grandma passed away when she was 102. So, I know what I’m talking about when I say you are NOT TOO OLD. You have so much to give! Don’t waste this precious life of yours.

Work with me to create a career you love!

Work with me to create a career you love!

“Working with Isabelle has proven one of the best investments I’ve made in myself, ever.

I have so much clarity about myself now – I really know who I am, like who I am, and understand myself on a much deeper level. I know what I want to do, and I’ve developed my timeline for achieving it.  To think back to how lost and confused I was at the beginning of the year compared to now, I can’t believe how much I’ve grown.  I don’t even recognize the woman I was four months ago. I am thankful I trusted the approach and stuck with it.  Most of all, I am grateful for Isabelle and her process.”

~ Chris H., Omaha, NE

Chris graduated from my Roadmap To A Career You Love group program last June. She rocked it!!

Read her full testimonial at the bottom of this email. 

Do you wanna get the same results as Chris in only a few months from now?

Work with me to create a career you love!

(or forward this email to people you know –friends, relatives, colleagues– who need help creating the career they love.)

My highly acclaimed proven program Roadmap To A Career You Love is open for enrollment right now for less than a week.

This is a step-by-step program that provides you with the foundation, tools, resources, coaching support and community to help you create a roadmap to a career you love, from the inside out.

STEP 1: Discover Your Inner Compass

Discover your unique talents, gifts, and essence so that you can align your career and life with who you really are.

  • Get The Key Ingredients  For Career Fulfillment
  • Identify Your Unique Strengths & Talents
  • Clarify Your Unique Operating Manual
  • Create Your Authentic Self Blueprint

STEP 2: Identify Your Ideal Career

Identify the ideal career that is uniquely tailored to you, your talents and purpose, so that you never doubt again the direction of your career.

  • Claim Your Purpose & See Your Impact
  • Clarify The Vision For Your Ideal Career & Lifestyle

STEP 3: Create A Roadmap To Your Dream Career

Create a personalized action plan so that you know exactly what steps to take to create the career you love.

  • Leverage Your Assets & Assess Your Needs
  • Create A Customized Roadmap To Your Dream Career

Like Chris, you will build the confidence to achieve your ideal career so that you can leave your fears and doubts behind!

>> Learn more about the program and apply.

I’d love to have you join!

Intrigued but have questions for me?

No problem. Comment below and ask away! I’m happy to help.

To your brilliance,


P.S. Doors close on Wednesday, October 17, in less than a week. I don’t want you to miss this invitation.  Click here for the details.

P.P.S Here is Chris’ full testimonial.

“Working with Isabelle has proven one of the best investments I’ve made in myself, ever.  While I’ve worked for a wonderful company for almost 10 years, with lots of opportunities, I haven’t felt fulfilled for quite a long time. I felt adrift, without direction, and really started to question what it was I actually want to do.

I opted for the combined group and one-on-one session option. Everything done over the course of the class builds on itself: homework done on our own, group calls and workshops, and then one-on-one sessions with Isabelle.

We’d reference our homework in class, often breaking out into smaller groups to do additional activities.  Over the course, we got to know our fellow classmates, giving and receiving feedback, helping each other throughout the process.  The additional perspectives were an unexpected bonus for me, and greatly appreciated. My biggest breakthroughs happened during our one-on-one calls.  Isabelle is a deeply caring, intuitive, and nurturing coach with a unique approach – she has this way of calling you out in a loving and empathetic way that makes you step back and reassess, but without any judgement.  One of the biggest breakthroughs was learning how to sit with my emotions, really feel them, and then realize I had the answers within myself all along.

I have so much clarity about myself now – I really know who I am, like who I am, and understand myself on a much deeper level. I know what I want to do, and I’ve developed my timeline for achieving it.  To think back to how lost and confused I was at the beginning of the year compared to now, I can’t believe how much I’ve grown.  I don’t even recognize the woman I was four months ago.  I am thankful I trusted the approach and stuck with it.  Most of all, I am grateful for Isabelle and her process.”

~ Chris H., Omaha, NE

+ Check out Yelp for the 29 five-star reviews