I was feeling heavy in my heart and mind… (How to recharge and recenter in these times)

I was feeling heavy in my heart and mind… (How to recharge and recenter in these times)

I realized that I had lost my center by constantly checking the updates of the current crisis.

Every time I was checking the updates of the Coronavirus in the US, in France, and in the world, I just could not stop myself from reading and reading more about it. It was as if a spider has taken me in its web, and I could not untangle myself from it. I was glued in it.

On Friday afternoon, I was feeling heavy in my heart and mind, as if a big dark cloud was hanging over me.
…like the gloom of the world has taken over me.

It felt like my mind was pulled away in so many directions.
…like my mind was not my own anymore.

and that I could not focus on the things I want to create in my life now.

I realized that I needed a break to recenter and come back to being the creator of my life.

Here is what I’m doing this weekend:

– I’m NOT checking ANY news or updates about the coronavirus for 2 full days at least.
– I’m taking the time to meditate, read, and journal.
– I’m writing and sharing all the amazing things I’m grateful for in my life. They are so many.
– I’m going for luscious walks in nature.
– I’m connecting with friends, family, and community through Zoom, phone calls, messages, Facebook.
– I’m being of support to people in my life who need my love and presence.
– I also attended a fun dance party on Zoom with friends.
– I asked friends on Facebook to post funny/silly memes so that I could laugh out loud.

Tonight, as I write this, I’m feeling:

– refreshed and recentered.
– lighter, with joy and gratitude in my heart.
– clear-minded about what is happening in the world and what I can do best to help.
– armed with a fresh perspective about this crisis and the blessings and rebirth that will come from it
– empowered to be an active creator of my life.

What about you?

Are you taking the time to refresh and recenter in these times?

If so, what are you doing?

If not, this is TIME! unless you want to let the events of the world be in the driver seat of your life.

This is SO important… always, but EVEN MORE so now.

Recharge and recenter, so that:
… you don’t let yourself be pulled away every moment of the day by the flow of intense news.
… you don’t let the external events dictate your life.
… you don’t lose your center, your creative force.
… you don’t let the gloom of the world colors your internal state.

Recharge and recenter, so that:
… you come back to your center.
… you connect back to your gratitude for life.
… you stay in the driver seat of your life.
… you create what you are here to create.

Be gentle with yourself.

What we are facing is unprecedented in our lifetime, and we are all learning how to be with it.

I’m learning too and doing it imperfectly.

Love and blessings to you and your loved ones,


P.S. I hope you and everyone around you is well. Here in California, we have a shelter-in-place order for 3 weeks at least.

I’ve the best boss ever! (Birthday pics inside)

I’ve the best boss ever! (Birthday pics inside)

I have the best boss ever! 😜

For my Birthday today, she rescheduled my clients’ sessions so that I could bask in the glory of my special day and treat myself. 

which means: 

  • Sleep in
  • Stay in my pj’s for how long as I want
  • Receive and bask in all the love from family and friends (video calls, texts, messages, Facebook messages)
  • Order a delicious French meal for lunch, delivered to my doorstep

This is an intense time of expansion in my business and in my life, and I’m grateful I got to rest and treat myself today. 

So that I can be rejuvenated to be of best service to my clients and to keep evolving and growing. 

I cannot serve well if my tank is empty. You cannot either. 

We serve and give the best when our tank is full. 

I love my boss and she loves me. 

Here she is! 😉 

Why am I sharing that with you?

So that you get reminded that treating yourself, self-care, and taking the time to receive are key elements of a fulfilled, happy, and successful career and life

especially in this ultra-productive and busy environment we live in.

Take the time to stop and take care of yourself. You deserve it. 

What are you going to do to treat yourself, or what are you already doing?

Let me know. I’d love to hear. Comment below.

With love,


This morning, I did this. (NEW practice to start 2020 clear & empowered)

This morning, I did this. (NEW practice to start 2020 clear & empowered)

This morning, I did this.

I highly recommend it.

It is bringing me inner peace as I start 2020, a new year and a new decade of my life.

I recommend this practice if you want to start 2020 with more peace of mind, empowerment, and acceptance of where you are in your life.

It may sound confronting or heavy at first, but it is SO worth it. It really works!

Try it and let me know what you find out.

It is like when you look at your finances. It may be uncomfortable at first, and then it brings you peace of mind to know where you are at.

Here is what I did.

It took me about 2-3 hours of reflection/journaling.

I looked back at the 3 past decades of my life.
– 2010-2019
– 2000-2009
– 1990-1999

For each decade, on one piece of paper, I listed the main themes in terms of achievements and personal/professional transformation and lessons learned (work, life, personal development, travels, and any themes that are personal and meaningful to me and to my own journey. Eg. Living my life purpose, becoming bilingual, discovering my passions, doing what I love).

Then, I noticed the overarching theme for each decade and the evolution from one decade to the next.

As a result of it:

  • I feel great as I got in touch in touch with how much I and my life have positively transformed and evolved in 3 decades, despite challenges along the way.
  • I notice the evolution decade after decade, and how what I did in each decade prepared me for the next. I can see that there is a natural progression and unfoldment that I could not see at the time. Seeds planted in one decade beautifully blossomed into the next.
  • I feel so much clarity about the past three decades of my life and what the themes have been.
  • This clarity empowers me as I enter a new year and decade of my life.
  • I feel at peace and more accepting of where I am in my life, trusting that things are unfolding for my best and highest good.
  • I know that I don’t have to do it all alone: I can see a bigger plan and higher power at play in the unfoldment of my life purpose that is with me on this journey. I can surrender to it, instead of pushing, efforting, and complaining about things not going MY way.

I want that for you too.

It is SO worth it.


and let me know what you find out by commenting below. 

To you shining your light BRIGHT in 2020, doing what you love!


On my way to New Mexico… (and my commitment to you)

On my way to New Mexico… (and my commitment to you)

As you are reading this, I’m on my way to Ojo Caliente (New Mexico)

  • to spend a full day with my coach
  • to be supported in the continued unfoldment of my purpose

…and to soak in these beautiful hot springs! 

Two weeks ago, I went to Santa Cruz (California) to attend a transformative weekend combining Enneagram, Relational Mastery, Grief, and Shadow work with another of my mentors and other visionary leaders committed to their own transformation.

Why does this matter?

Because I’m committed to my own personal and professional development.

I am committed to MY growth so that I can commit to YOURS and the growth of my clients.

I keep growing and expanding so that I can expand the container of transformation I am holding for you and for my clients. 

This is my commitment to YOU.


Taking it super slooooowww… the way my soul likes it (Pics from my vacation)

Taking it super slooooowww… the way my soul likes it (Pics from my vacation)

I am on vacation to recharge and rejuvenate.

This is so important so that I can be at my best to serve my clients and do the work I love.

I’m taking it super sloooowww…. the way my soul likes it. 

Soaking in hot springs in the middle of the woods.
Camping in a pristine location.
Journaling, visioning, doing spiritual practices. 
Cooking a yummy late breakfast. 
Meeting lots of interesting people. 
Hearing lots of fascinating stories, including about driving through a rebel territory in Eastern Africa.

I wanted to plan this vacation. For weeks, my mind tried SO hard to do it.

But what my soul was craving is an unplanned vacation, going with the flow of what my body wants in each moment.

I did not realize how much this is what I needed…

A plan-free vacation.

It feels SO good NOT to plan anything. And just go with the flow.

Each day is a new day.

A new day to listen to what my body and soul want.


Isabelle, what are you doing to nourish your body and soul, not just your mind? 

We live in a world that overemphasizes the mind and neglect the body, heart, and soul.

Doing the work you love and living a life you want requires a holistic approach, not just mind focused.

This is why I help my clients connect with all the parts of themselves so that they can find work that aligns with all of who they are.

I want that for you too!


P.S. A few ways I can support you or people you know (relatives, friends, co-workers). Email me now and I’ll follow-up with you once I’m back from my vacation. 

  • For my advanced clients (past and current): I’ve 2 spaces available in my continuation group program “Keep Up the Momentum” starting in August! If you are curious and want to learn more, email me by Monday, August 5 and I’ll follow-up with you then to schedule a time to talk.
  • For new clients: I’ve 2 spaces open for my  “Land the Career You Love 1:1 coaching program.” Apply here to schedule a time to chat with me.
LIVE from my outdoor office… This is what I’m up to (Pics)

LIVE from my outdoor office… This is what I’m up to (Pics)

Welcome to my outdoor office from where I’m writing this.

I’m blessed with a beautiful view of the San Franciso Bay.

…and with a family of deers that comes to visit me from time to time.

I am doing a lot of behind the scenes work right now. This is why you are not hearing from me as much this Summer.

I’m working on some important projects for my clients and the expansion of my business.

This includes:

  • the continuation of my “Keep Up the Momentum” group program for my advanced clients.
    • The first 3-month program was such a success (my clients loved it!) that I decided to do an extension of it until the end of the year. 
    • This is an intimate support group designed to help my advanced clients:
      – stay on the path
      – keep up the momentum
      – get unstuck
      – move to the next level of clarity or action, whatever that may be.
      – get the support of like-minded people on the same journey
    • If you are a past client or an existing client who has worked with me for at least 3-4 months, this program is for you! If you are curious and want to chat, please send me an email by Sunday, July 14. 
  • a full rebranded website that will be live soon. I’m excited to share it with you when it’s ready!
  • and other bigger projects for the expansion of my business and my life. 

I’m also continuing upleveling my self-care and prioritizing things I love.

This includes:

  • doing a VIP day with a color and image consultant to align my outer with my inner essence. Very powerful and transformative work! I loved it. and it aligns with my passion for beauty, style, and fashion.
  • diving into authentic relating and relational mastery groups and practices. Authentic, deep, and vulnerable communication is a big value of mine. Honoring this value has been extremely nourishing for me. 
  • deepening my personal and professional transformation through the Enneagram. Very powerful work for myself and my work with my clients!
  • and getting ready for a two-week vacation soon!

What are you up to?

I’d love to hear!

Happy Summer (or Winter, depending on which hemisphere you are in)!
