This is a BIG week for me… and how to refocus your energy in times like these

This is a BIG week for me… and how to refocus your energy in times like these

In the past few days, my attention has been pulled towards and literally “sucked into” the current health concerns in the world. To the point where it has been hard NOT to think about it constantly or to stop checking articles about it, and focus my attention elsewhere.

I’m giving myself lots of grace around it. (and I invite you to do the same) The atmosphere around it is quite intense. 

I don’t regret it as I’m learning what I need to learn so that I can act from LOVE to be of support to family, friends, and our big Human family.

However, this week is a BIG week for me in terms of sharing my message out and stepping into BIGGER visibility. I’ll be Interviewed on Facebook Live and on a TV show; I just launched my new website.

So, I realized I needed to find a way to FOCUS back on what I’m up to in the world and pull my attention away from the trance we are getting lost into.

This afternoon, I made the decision to take a break from checking or discussing the virus, to focus on the preparation of the two interviews I have this week.

Two hours into preparing them and connecting with the core of the message I want to share and why the world needs to hear it, and I felt my JUICE and EXCITEMENT back again!!

I was connected back to my PURPOSE on this planet and why I’m so PSYCHED about it.

My inspiration was flowing and several times, I got myself saying out loud: “There is a BOOK here that needs to written!” “I’ve a BOOK that wants to come out of me.”

My message needs to be shared more broadly in the world to help more people.

So, what can you do today to move your attention away from the current situation, take a break from it, and connect with JOY and INSPIRATION again?

  • It starts with making a conscious decision to do it and to focus on something else that brings you joy, and let yourself dive into it.
  • …and to STOP checking news, articles, and such for a little while, even if it is just for an afternoon or a day.

Try it even just for a little while and let me know how that goes. 

With love,

P.S. I’m excited to announce I’ll be interviewed this Wednesday at 10 am PT on this awesome Facebook Live show. Watch the interview live at

Have you found them? (Two key questions you MUST ask yourself to do work you love)

Have you found them? (Two key questions you MUST ask yourself to do work you love)

This quote by Elizabeth Gilbert, in “Big Magic” says it all.

“This is one of the oldest and most generous tricks the universe plays on us human beings […]: The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them.”

  • Have you found your jewels?
  • “Do you have the courage to bring forth the treasures that are hidden within you?”

These two questions are at the CORE of doing the WORK YOU ABSOLUTELY LOVE.

… and at the core of what I do with my clients.

  • I help them answer these two questions with a resounding YES.  
  • I help them find their hidden treasures and the courage to bring them worth into their work.

Because without that, you CANNOT do the work you absolutely love. 

How much you love your work is directly correlated with how well you can answer these questions with a YES.

So, let me ask you again: can you answer these questions with a big YES?

If yes, congrats! This is fabulous.

If no and you want to say yes to them so that you can do the work that gets you excited to get out of bed in the morning. it will be my joy and honor to help you. 

I’ve 2 spaces open for my  “Land the Career You Love 1:1 coaching program.” Apply here to schedule a time to chat with me.

I look forward to hearing from you
or from people you know (spouse, relative, friends, co-workers) who need help discovering the work they love in 2020!

Please share this blog with them!


PS. Don’t spend another year or decade with your treasures hidden within you! The world is missing out. and your life is missing out too. Fill out this form and I’ll be in touch.