“From despair and frustration to total clarity about my true calling”

“From despair and frustration to total clarity about my true calling”

“It’s still surreal how I went from despair and frustration to total clarity about my true calling.”

This is what my client, T.G., just wrote as she graduated from my “Land the Career You Love” 1:1 coaching program.

Read her full testimonial below—the 33rd five-star review on Yelp for Brilliant Seeds. 


“Before starting to work with Isabelle, I spent over 5 years trying to figure out why my current job doesn’t make me happy. Inside of me, I had a nagging feeling that there is something more to my career. I just couldn’t figure out what that is and I couldn’t explain why the everyday career coach couldn’t help me. Isabelle held a workshop and in that workshop, she explained how we need to find our true self. Only then, we can find our true calling.

As I worked with Isabelle, things just clicked. The exercises, the homework assignments, the discussions were so valuable to get me to where I am now. I gained confidence in myself, I discovered who I am as a person, and I saw the possibilities. It’s still surreal how I went from despair and frustration to total clarity about my true calling.

Once I figured out my path, there was no stopping me. I’m on a mission and every day I’m getting closer to making this dream a reality. Doors are opening for me every day, which is just another sign that I’m on the right path. I operate with strong and calm confidence.

Everyone should work with Isabelle at some point in their life – she is not just a career/life coach. She is your mentor and guide to your better self. Because of her, I understand myself better and as such I’m a better person overall.”

—T.G., Dublin, California


Want to become a success story like T.G.?
Apply for a Complimentary “Discover the Career You Absolutely Love” Breakthrough Session with me.

This is how she started. Exactly where you are now, with the same doubts, fears, and disbelief that you are probably feeling now. 

Imagine being clear and on your path to the career you love by the end of 2020. How would you feel?

It is possible for you!


P.S. I currently have 3 spots open for my “Land the Career You Love” 1:1 coaching program. Is there one for you?
Or for someone you know (spouse, relative, friend, co-worker, employee)? Please forward this email to them so that they can take advantage of this opportunity.