I’m scared and I’m doing it anyway. Are you?

I’m scared and I’m doing it anyway. Are you?

I’m scared…

and I’m doing it anyway. 

I just submitted a proposal to speak at an International Conference!

Being a thought leader and speaking internationally, giving inspirational talks around the world is one of my long-time dreams.

Claiming it publicly is scary.

and I’m owning it. Whatever happens. 

It is TIME.

I’m feeling a strong nudge in that direction.

This is what my heart wants. 

and I’m listening to it, despite fears and doubts.

What about you? Are you listening to your inner impulses? to what is TRULY calling you?

or are you letting fears and doubts decide?

Look within.


It is time.


Just say NO to the quick fix… a new approach to career counseling

Just say NO to the quick fix… a new approach to career counseling

I’ve gotta tell you something really important…

If you’re in a job you hate and you’re looking to make a career shift, do NOT look for a quick fix.

Ditch the traditional career counseling that doesn’t go deep. They give quick fixes. They tell you what jobs you should do. 

But their approach doesn’t work. People end up stuck in jobs that aren’t a match, over and over again.

You deserve so much more than that.

That’s why my program, Roadmap To A Career You Love, is different. Very different. 

I don’t want to see you get stuck in that vicious cycle. Which is why I use an approach that is more effective and authentic.

Click here for more details about my program and to apply.

Check it out…

My program, “Roadmap To A Career You Love,” goes beyond the limitations of traditional career counseling. 

In my program, you will get permission to explore your true dreams and passions. We will build upon your unique values and strengths.

I don’t give you answers.

Instead, I help you get in touch with your inner compass so you are empowered to make decisions about your career and your life that align with your authentic self. This is the path to true fulfillment.

I would be honored to support you in finding your unique roadmap to a career you love. Join us?

Click here for details and to apply.

To your brilliance,


P.S. doors close on Wednesday, October 17… so be sure to get your application in now.

(VIDEO) Is THIS stopping you from going after what you want?

Is there something you have wanted for a LONG time and have not acted on it yet?  whether it’s finding the Career you love or something else in your life.

If so, what is truly stopping you from going after it?

My recent trip to Scotland and my firsthand experience going for my dreams –living in 5 different countries, becoming bilingual, working for one of the biggest Internet company in the world, and changing careers to pursue my passion– has showed me that there is a major reason why so many people don’t go for what they want and have regrets at the end of their lives.

Watch the video below to hear what it is and how to avoid it.

To you living the career and life of your dreams! 
