Why I do this work

Why I do this work

This one really touched me…

I just received a few five-star reviews from clients who just graduated from my signature Land the Career You Love 1:1 program.

This part below really touched me as it encapsulates why I do the work I do and why it is so important to me.

“After 20 years of climbing the ladder, feeling exhausted, and not feeling appreciated. I was mentally done with no idea what to do. I hired a few career coaches, that didn’t help.

BUT — Then, I found Isabelle or should I say “she found me”. Isabelle was my guiding light to finding me. […] She truly helped me, understand me, that authentic me, what makes me happy, me.”

I’m here to help you find that true authentic you that has been buried under years, often decades of social pressure, family pressure, toxic indicators of success, and more.

 If you, or someone you know, is stuck in work you hate, this is why. Don’t look any further.

Unlocking your true authentic you is the key to discovering the work of your dreams.

This is my mission.
