Following your aliveness

Following your aliveness

In the past seven days:

✅ I taught two workshops to 30 students from around the world (all over the US, Canada, Australia).

✅ I shared my journey on an Enneagram panel with two of my favorite Enneagram teachers, Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes.

✅ I attended an enlightening three-day online event to explore the next level of support to uplevel my business and step into my thought leadership.

✅ I got contacted by 12 awesome people who want to work with me to reinvent their careers, step into their career calling and do the work they love.

This is what happens when you follow your aliveness.

A lot of these things were not initially planned and happened as a result of me following the nudges of my intuition and aliveness.

and I know there is more to come…

In the next 10 days:

✅ I’m teaching another workshop. (Check details)

✅ I’m talking to several coaches and mentors for my continued personal and professional transformation.

✅ I’m having conversations and follow-ups with 10 people who are considering working with me.

✅ I look forward to discovering the unexpected events that will happen as I continue to follow the bread crumbs of my intuition and aliveness.

What is the quiet voice of your intuition or the pull of your aliveness/desire is guiding you to do?

Are you listening and following it?

It is showing you the path forward.


Are you listening to it?

Are you listening to it?

Are you listening to the nudges, the hints you receive?

…to that quiet voice of your intuition, I mentioned in the  4 steps to manifest what you want in 2020.

Well, if you don’t, this is the time you start! 

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of this to create the work and life you want.

Maybe you are wondering how to do it or how that looks like.

Well, I just had an experience of it yesterday.  I decided to make a video so that you can get it more clearly.

I listened to the nudge of my intuition and manifested something totally unexpected that I am really excited about.  Something I wanted but did not think I could have. 

I’m sharing the story and tips on how to do it in this video

Watch it and let me know what you learned!

To the manifestation of your dreams in 2021,


Why you get bored at work

Why you get bored at work

My Christmas Eve celebration reminded me why so many people get bored at work and are stuck in a loop.

Let me tell you about it.
If you don’t celebrate Christmas, you can apply this to any traditional holiday you celebrate.

This is how I celebrated Christmas Eve this year.

Picnicking on a California beach with a friend, her baby, and her dog. (socially distanced)

…and contemplating a majestic sunset. 

This was one of the best Christmas Eve celebrations I’ve had.

Do you know why it was one of the best?

Well, because it was different than the norm, what is said “we are supposed to do” to celebrate Christmas.

  • what we learned “we should do.”
  • what we keep repeating over and over again automatically without questioning it, without asking ourselves if we enjoy it or not. 

We just follow the rules we were taught.

And we get bored; things get flat, uninteresting. They lost their flavor. 

We are on automatic pilot.

Have you experienced that?

The same happens with work for many people.

  • We follow the rules of society about what work we should do, why we should do it, and how to choose it.
  • We don’t question them.
  • We continue on automatic pilot.
  • We don’t ask ourselves if we like that type of work or not, if we enjoy ourselves. Asking if we like it is out of the equation.
  • We follow what the mainstream is saying we should do. 
  • We make choices based on society, instead of our own. 
  • We lose joy; we get bored; work does not have flavor or meaning and we wonder why.

We need to break the rules to find our joy and nourishment again. 

As I did for Christmas.

  • Break the rules of conditioning.
  • Find what makes you happy, what brings you joy.

To discover the work I do now and that brings me joy, I had to break the mold of what I was told I was “supposed to do” to follow what made my heart sing.

It is not an easy path. It requires facing your fears and sometimes the judgment or incomprehension of others, maybe even people close to you. But this is the only way to find joy again in your work. It is one of the most rewarding journeys you can take in your life. When you love your work, everything changes for the better: your relationships, your happiness, your health, and more.

Having a guide on the journey makes it much easier. A guide who has been where you want to go.

If you—or people you know—are interested in getting support to discover the work that lights you up, apply here to have a conversation with me. 

I’m currently taking some time off for the holidays, but I’ll follow-up with you as soon as I’m back in my office in early January.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

However you celebrate (or don’t), do it your way, the way that makes your heart sing!


P.S. to clarify, when I’m writing about “breaking the rules,” I’m not encouraging to go against the Covid safety guidelines. All of this is done in the context of keeping ourselves and others safe. We can stay safe and find creative ways to enjoy ourselves.