

Four years ago as I was looking for my new place, I visualized seeing the sunset and the Golden Gate Bridge from my home.

Today, as I just signed up a new client who said YES to discovering her career calling, I open the shades of my home office and I see this.

Such a blessing. 🦋

Visions come true. 


Are you listening to it?

Are you listening to it?

Are you listening to the nudges, the hints you receive?

…to that quiet voice of your intuition, I mentioned in the  4 steps to manifest what you want in 2020.

Well, if you don’t, this is the time you start! 

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of this to create the work and life you want.

Maybe you are wondering how to do it or how that looks like.

Well, I just had an experience of it yesterday.  I decided to make a video so that you can get it more clearly.

I listened to the nudge of my intuition and manifested something totally unexpected that I am really excited about.  Something I wanted but did not think I could have. 

I’m sharing the story and tips on how to do it in this video

Watch it and let me know what you learned!

To the manifestation of your dreams in 2021,


4 steps to manifest what you want in 2021

4 steps to manifest what you want in 2021

Last week, I went to the Ocean for some rejuvenation and rest.

As I was walking on the beach, my attention was caught by two women playing in the waves with a wetsuit on.

I had this thought: “wow that sounds fun. I wonder how that feels to go in the water in winter with a wetsuit on.”

I love playing in the Ocean and often wish the water was warm enough all year around to do so.

In the evening, I got this inkling to post on Facebook to ask about people’s experience with wetsuit in winter, and I added that ideally, I would like to try a wetsuit on before buying one to see how that feels.

Several Facebook friends commented on it with some great info. To my surprise, a friend who lives close by offered to lend me her wetsuit.

I messaged her right away and asked if I could borrow it the following day. We were not sure if it would fit me, but we decided to try.

The day after, I tried it on and it fitted me quite well.

I put it on and a couple of hours later, I was playing in the water with a wetsuit, like the women I saw only the day before.

I manifested the vision in only one day!

I even had the joy to swim close to dolphins and seals while in the water.

But the story does not end there…

In the evening, I felt compelled to tell my landlord about it. My landlord loves all kinds of water sports and adventures. I texted him about it without expecting or asking for anything, just for the fun of sharing and because I was called to do so. To my surprise, my landlord replied back that I could borrow his boogie board if I wanted.

So, a few days later, I was back in the Ocean with the wetsuit from my friend and the boogie board from my landlord.

Wow! I never expected that following the hints after seeing these two women in the water would lead me there! But it did.

And there is more to come and unfold from this.

🔷 After that, I got the inspiration of paddleboarding and kayaking with my landlord on the Bay. I texted my landlord and asked him about it. He said he would be happy to go kayaking with me on the Bay (he has two kayaks) and he can give me a guest pass to go paddleboarding in the Berkeley marina.
🔷 I’m also playing with the idea of going to other beaches to play in the water. and buying my own wetsuit.

I’m sure there is more that will unfold as I follow the hints and inspirations I receive. Some big visions for my work and life in 2021 are emerging from this experience. 

This is what happens when you follow your impulses, gut feelings, or intuition. It leads you to manifest things better than what you could have imagined. I see that over and over again for myself and for my clients. 

What does that mean for you?

Well, what I did is follow the exact same steps I recommend my clients to follow when they are in the phase of making their vision for their career and their life a reality. 

There are some of the steps I follow regularly to manifest what I want in my work and in my life.

Here are the 4 steps to manifest with ease:

1. Ensure you are in a state of openness and relaxation, rested, and present. Do whatever you need to be in that state. Go in nature, meditate, etc. whatever works for you. If your mind is busy or you feel scattered, tired, overwhelmed, or rushed, it won’t work.

2. Notice the things, activities, or people that catch your attention and interest. Stay with that interest. Be curious about it.

3. Follow the nudges, hints, or impulses you receive, however small and quiet they are and even if you doubt them or wonder why to follow them. Especially if you doubt them! Your mind will probably resist and bring you all kinds of “rational” reasons why you should not. Don’t listen to it. Just follow the nudge.

4. Take action on opportunities that arise. Don’t delay. Take the opportunity that presents itself in the moment and follow it.

What are YOU going to manifest in 2021?

I can’t wait to hear!
