what I did on Saturday (pics)… and why you need to do this too!

what I did on Saturday (pics)… and why you need to do this too!

Saturday was a NO-PLAN day for me!

I let the day totally open with NO plans whatsoever…

I let it unfold organically according to what my body, mind, heart, and spirit needed in each moment.

It was a day of exquisite self-care.

And it was the BEST.

  • it started with going to my strength training class.
  • then, my body wanted sauna and steam room. So, I drove back home to pick up my bathing suit and went back to my gym to enjoy a combo of sauna + steam room + hot tub + pool + cold shower. As many times as my body wanted. No questions asked.
  • I got a green juice and treated myself to a healthy meal at one of my favorite local places.
  • then, I decided to call my mum and brother who were enjoying dinner in France. We had a wonderful impromptu video chat.
  • then, I got inspired to go for a walk at a local park I love (by the Bay).

  • I had called my favorite local spa earlier to see if they had availability for a massage. They called me back saying a spot had just opened up. So I treated myself to a very relaxing full body massage.

  • then, I was called to go back to the park I was at earlier (Point Isabel) to enjoy more of its beauty. So, I did. No overthinking, simply following the guidance of my body.

How often do you have NO-PLAN days and let the day unfold according to the inspiration of the moment?

If you don’t, you need to!

Our lives in our western societies (even more so in the busy overachieving US) are over planned. We need more unplanned days. Our body and mind need them. Our health needs them.
When is your next NO-PLAN day??


This is a very SERIOUS question.

Your health depends on it.
Doing the work you love depends on it.
Your relationships depend on it!
Your LIFE depends on it.

Start today!
