One of the biggest roadblocks to discovering the career you love

One of the biggest roadblocks to discovering the career you love

Do you know what is one of the BIGGEST ROADBLOCKS to discovering the Career You Love? 

….and that I’ve seen in so many of my clients, especially when they seem really stuck.

Well, I can tell you what it is NOT.
It is NOT:
– a lack of clarity (even if people think it is, and at a superficial level it feels that way)
– a lack of skills or talents
– a lack of job or career options out there

Nope, none of that.

Surprising, eh?
Here is what it is:

Some negative beliefs about themselves they took on as a result of painful life experiences (or conditioning) and the story they made around it:

  • “I’m not worthy”
  • “I’m too wild”
  • “I’m not lovable”
  • “I’m not as smart as my brother”
  • “I’m not smart”
  • “I’m weird”
  • “I’m too bossy”
  • “I’m too much”
  • “I’m not creative”
  • I’m not good enough”
  • ….and the list goes on and on.

I’ve seen that in SO MANY of my clients that I cannot ignore it. Many times, there is a point in the process we get there, and it’s when the real breakthrough happens.

Because this is the REAL BLOCK.
It is our perception of who we are that affects what we think we can do.

Let me say that again:

It is our perception of who we are that affects what we think we can do.

Let it sink in.
When we clear that, everything changes. And suddenly, my clients realize that clarity was not the problem. They KNEW ALL ALONG what they truly wanted.
It is the shadow of their old wound that made it blurry for them to see what they truly wanted.
When it’s cleared, they are ready to: Give themselves permission to be who they are and love what they love.

From that place, EVERYTHING becomes possible.

So, here are my question for you:

Deep down, do you hold negative beliefs about yourself? If so, what are they?

Be really honest with yourself. This is an uncomfortable place, but this is a necessary place to explore if you want to create the career and life you truly want.

I know. I’ve been there myself.

And this is why I’m ready to go there with you. This is in the shadow that you will find your light. Sometimes, there is no other way.

But the journey is SO worth it. This is where lasting change happens. I guarantee it. I’ve seen it so many times now.

Are you ready?

I’m ready to go there with you!

Feel free to comment below and share. I am here cheering you on.

I believe in you.


P.S. To your brilliant light that is waiting to soar.