How I get inspired and tap into my inner guidance (pics inside)

How I get inspired and tap into my inner guidance (pics inside)

As a coach and business owner, I’ve learned that this is key that I take rejuvenating breaks during the year so that I can be of best service to you, my clients, and community. 

This is NOT optional.

This is an integral part of living my purpose in the world and giving the best that I can give. 

I am recently back from a rejuvenating camping trip to the Trinity Alps in Northern California. 

This is one of my favorite combos to get inspired and tap into my inner guidance.

💦 Immerse my body in water
🌲 Spend time in nature
✏️ Contemplate, journal, write and draw

I came back feeling refreshed and clear about what I want to create in my life and business for the rest of 2020

I connected to the BIGGER VISION I’m here to create for the next five years. 

How do YOU get inspired and tap into your own guidance?

Whatever your life and work situation, this is KEY to the success and fulfillment of your goals. 


I remind this to my clients all the time.

A lot of them experience a higher level of clarity and success as a result of doing things they enjoy and that rejuvenate them.

I’d love to hear what are your ways and practices. 

Comment below and let me know. Bonus points if you share pics! 🙂

In service,


PS: The Ocean is another great medicine for me, cover photo of me at Tennessee Cove Beach, California.