I bought a one-way ticket to France…

I bought a one-way ticket to France…

I bought a one-way ticket to France…

For the first time.

and I’m surprisingly excited about it. (the one-way ticket) 

NOT because I want to stay indefinitely in France or move back there.

I don’t.

California is my home. At least for now. Even if France is very dear to my heart; It will always be.

I bought a one-way ticket because of some unknowns related to the US Covid travel ban.
Whether I’ll be able to come back directly to the US or if I’ll have to spend 14 days in a country outside of the Schengen area.

(No matter what happens, I’ll be working and meeting my clients remotely, which is my joy.)

I’m realizing I LOVE one-way tickets!!! It feels SO good.

🔥 It means… FREEDOM. 🔥

Going with the flow
Going with my desires
Deciding when I want to come back.
Letting things unfold and deciding from the unfoldment.

I LOVE living my life this way.

Going with the flow
With space for the unfoldment of what wants to emerge

This is where the magic happens.

✅ In the unknown
In the open space
Where everything is possible.

❌ Not in the constraints
or the confinement
or the preset and preplanned

It feels safer BUT it limits possibilities and creativity.

Let me ask you: 

  • Where do you limit creativity and possibility out of fear of the unknown or clinging to safety?
    • In your career? in your life? 
  • Where do you cling so tightly to safety that you have been stuck in the same place for years or even decades? 
  •  Where can you let loose to make space for the new?
  • Where do you plan things so tightly or you want things to unfold a certain way that you don’t allow anything new to enter your life?
  • Where do you sacrifice JOY and your heart desires for SAFETY?

This is why so many people are unhappy and never go for their dreams and desires.

Is that YOU?

Ask yourself honestly.

Change starts with self-honesty. Not denial

It takes courage but this is the path to the career and lifestyle of your dreams.

This is the path I’ve taken over and over again. This is the path my clients take to reach their dream careers. 

I want that for you too. 
