Why I do this work

Why I do this work

This one really touched me... I just received a few five-star reviews from clients who just graduated from my signature Land the Career You Love 1:1 program.This part below really touched me as it...

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I’m scared and excited

I’m scared and excited

"I am both scared and excited." This is what I told him.I just hired a new mentor to support me in the expansion of my thought leadership and the message I am here to share in the world.And it's a...

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Your legacy

Your legacy

I'm celebrating another client who is crystal clear about the legacy he wants to leave behind.We started working together four months ago. As his grandfather did, he wanted to leave a mark in the...

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Following your aliveness

Following your aliveness

In the past seven days: ✅ I taught two workshops to 30 students from around the world (all over the US, Canada, Australia). ✅ I shared my journey on an Enneagram panel with two of...

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Finding your Why in 2021

Finding your Why in 2021

"I found my Why." This is what my client said last week after several months of working together. She had been looking for quite a while before working with me and could not find it.  I have heard...

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Four years ago as I was looking for my new place, I visualized seeing the sunset and the Golden Gate Bridge from my home. Today, as I just signed up a new client who said YES to discovering her...

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