This is what one of my private clients told me this morning…

…as we were exploring the type of work that truly brings her joy, the work that is outside of the box.

She is realizing that she has been forcing herself into a box in her career until now, doing work that drains her.

Work that is not aligned with her unique design.
Work that is aligned with her dad’s design, not hers.

She had been working harder and harder day after day, year after year to stay in the box.

Are you stuck in a box? at work, or in your life?

  • How long have you been in it?
  • What box are you forcing yourself into?

How long do you want to stay in your box?

You decide.


P.S. If you want to get out of the box, let’s talk

P.P.S. You may be quite successful and content with your career and life, and still, feel like you are stuck in a box. What box do you need to free yourself from?