What brings you JOY?
Can you answer this question?
I mean: answer it honestly, without censoring yourself to make a good impression or worrying about what people think about what you love?
If not, that may be one of the things stopping you from finding the career you love.
I’ve seen it with several of my clients.
- Some just cannot answer that question.
- Others have negative judgments (or even shame) about some of the things they TRULY ENJOY doing and they hide them.
How can you find the work you love if you don’t know what brings you TRUE JOY and HAPPINESS or if you are thinking it’s not okay to love what you love?
It is very hard.
The first step is becoming aware of what you enjoy and what your unique ingredients of fulfillment. are, independently of what people think or what you think these “should” be.
This is why we start with that in my coaching programs.
A good way to begin is to collect your happiness (or even “micro happiness”) moments at the end of the day or week. At the end of the day, take a journal and write down the moments, even brief, when you experienced joy during your day or week.
Keep me posted on what you find!
To the work that brings you JOY!
P.S. One of the things that bring me joy and that I used to hide and be embarrassed about is FASHION and dressing up. I used to judge it, thinking it was “superficial” and “not smart enough” to like fashion and beauty. Fashion is often poo-pooed in our hyper-masculine and hyper-analytical western cultures and considered “weak” or “superficial.” I am not hiding it anymore! This is part of who I am and I own it. I’m not less smart because I LOVE fashion.

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