my interview is LIVE… and I don’t hold back!

my interview is LIVE… and I don’t hold back!

A few weeks ago, I was interviewed for RTL podcasts, a top French-speaking radio podcast.

The interview is now LIVE on RTL Podcasts and Spotify.

In this interview (in French), I don’t hold back…

I share personal stories about self-limiting patterns that used to hinder my success in relationships, life, and work.

I reveal how the Enneagram has helped me significantly transform these self-limiting patterns and beliefs and transform my relationships, my confidence, my career, and my business.

When used well, the Enneagram is one of the most powerful and precise tools of personal and professional transformation I know. In combination with coaching and other modalities such as shadow and part work, the Enneagram will help you:

  • Identify and move past your main self-limiting patterns in the way of actualizing your career goals.
  • Improve your personal and professional relationships.
  • Increase your self-esteem and confidence.
  • And much more.

This is why I often use it with my clients to help them move past their self-limiting patterns stopping them from reaching their career and life goals. 


> > If you understand French, I encourage you to listen to my interview (Base 4) and to the interviews of the eight other types. You will learn a lot about yourself and the people in your life.

>> If you want to discover your Enneagram type, the self-limiting patterns holding you back, and how to move past them, you can do an Enneagram Typing Interview with me. I have a few spots available for those before July 22, when I’m taking my summer vacation in France, Email me if you want to learn more.

I don’t do “regular” career coaching.

I don’t do “regular” career coaching.

I don’t do quick fixes.
I don’t help you find a career just to bolster your resume. 
I don’t help you find a new career that matches your conditioned notion of “success.”  
I don’t help you find a career based on your current or old conditioning and limiting beliefs.
I don’t help you find your next career based on the market, what jobs or industries are “hot”, what “makes sense”, what you “should do.”
I don’t help you stay in the false belief that something is wrong with you and you must work harder to fix yourself and find work you love.

Because all of these don’t work.
It’s by following these scripts that many high-achieving and “successful” professionals stay stuck in careers that don’t work for them for years, even decades.

 I help you unlock and step into your next-level career dream that allows you to live your purpose and make the difference you are here to make on the planet… without sacrificing your lifestyle and balance. 

As a result of working with me…
My clients start their nonprofit.
They realize their long-time dream of moving to another country and finding their dream career there. 
They are well on the path to their next dream career they will have for the next 25 years.
They find their true calling and North Star, once and for all.
They are crystal clear about the legacy they want to leave behind.
They find the courage and confidence to step into the career of their dreams.
They step into their multiple-career dreams, combining multiple passions into work.
They negotiate their ideal role and schedule in their company and get it. 
They reach career certainty, clarity, and confidence for the first time in their lives.
They uncover their own unique compass to make career decisions for the rest of their lives.
They publish their first book.
They make it to the Forbes 30 Under 30 list. 
Their work gets showcased in the press.
They start their dream business. 
They unlock the artist within, create their own studio, and start selling their art. 
They make plans to retire early to implement their big visions.
They leave toxic working environments they have been stuck in for decades.
They land some amazing work opportunities because of how aligned they are with their unique talents and purpose.
They create their ultimate dream lifestyle. 
They start living a life truly aligned with their values. 
They discover their authentic self that has been buried under decades of trying to be somebody else.
They heal childhood wounds that years of therapy have not touched or transformed.

When they first come to me…
My clients are scared.
They doubt the process will work for them.
They feel hopeless.
They may be burned out.
They don’t think this is possible for them.

Despite their fears and doubts…
They commit to doing the work.
They take one step after another.
They understand that real change does not come from a quick fix.
They step into the unknown despite their doubts.
They know they need guidance and that doing it alone has not worked.
They are ready to look honestly at themselves to find the answers that have been hidden for long.

This is why working with me privately is an investment, an investment that will serve you for the rest of your career and life.
…so that you stop the cycle of being trapped in the wrong career once and for all.
…so that you start living your purpose and make the contribution you are here to make. 

I have space for 2 new clients in my private coaching before I raise my current price.

>> Apply here if you want to explore the possibility of working together.

Or share with someone you know (friend, spouse, relative, coworker) who is ready to embark on that journey.

To your dream career and calling,


Want more meaning? Ask THIS.

Want more meaning? Ask THIS.

Are you looking for more meaning and purpose in your career and in your life?

If you are like many of the clients I support and people I talk to, you probably are.

Well, if you are, there is a good question to ask yourself. 

This is a question I often ask my private VIP clients looking for meaningful work.
This is a topic we uncover that is deeply intertwined with their purpose and calling. 

It was the case with one of my clients recently…

She came to me four months ago to find her career path and the meaning of her life. She said she had always been looking for the meaning of her life, but could never find it.

Well, after four months of deep dive into her core values and drivers, her natural talents, passions, and essence, we just clarified her biggest calling… Her mission is to help girls succeed and realize their dreams.

This is deeply resonant for her. 

And I know this is it.

Do you know why I know it?

It is directly linked to her own life journey and her wounds from the past.

The biggest calling and purpose of your career and life is often linked to your biggest childhood wound OR to one of the biggest challenges you had to overcome in your life so far, and how you overcome it. 

So here is the question for you to ponder…

>>  What is the biggest life challenge or biggest childhood wound you had to overcome, and how you overcame it?
What did you learn from it? 

There is a gift in it. A gift for you and for the world.

I can’t wait for you to find it. 


P.S. If you need help clarifying your career calling, or your meaningful career and life, I’d love to help.
I’m currently accepting applications for private clients. 3 clients recently graduated; so I’ve 3 spots currently open.
>> Apply here and I’ll be in touch.

“I’ve been forcing myself into that box for 40 years.”

“I’ve been forcing myself into that box for 40 years.”

This is what one of my private clients told me this morning…

…as we were exploring the type of work that truly brings her joy, the work that is outside of the box.

She is realizing that she has been forcing herself into a box in her career until now, doing work that drains her.

Work that is not aligned with her unique design.
Work that is aligned with her dad’s design, not hers.

She had been working harder and harder day after day, year after year to stay in the box.

Are you stuck in a box? at work, or in your life?

  • How long have you been in it?
  • What box are you forcing yourself into?

How long do you want to stay in your box?

You decide.


P.S. If you want to get out of the box, let’s talk

P.P.S. You may be quite successful and content with your career and life, and still, feel like you are stuck in a box. What box do you need to free yourself from?

I’m scared and excited

I’m scared and excited

“I am both scared and excited.” This is what I told him.

I just hired a new mentor to support me in the expansion of my thought leadership and the message I am here to share in the world.

And it’s a big investment… bigger than what I’ve done in the past. 

But it feels right. 

I am in the phase of expanding my business and my visibility to the next level so that I can touch more lives. I know I am being called to help more people worldwide. The people I am here to serve are waiting to hear my message. 

I also know I need support to do that. I cannot do it alone. 

I am both excited and scared. I am stepping outside my comfort zone and into the unknown…
…and I am moving forward despite the fear.

Because I know that if I don’t, I will regret it. 

This is what happens when you want to make a big change in your career or your life.

You cannot do it without fear. Fear is going to be there every single time.

I guarantee it. I’ve done it so many times. There is always fear. 

What matters is your ability to feel it and do it anyway, and not back out, not surrender to the fear.

This is key. This is an essential skill to move towards the life and work you love.

You are going to have fears. If you expect not, you’ll stay stuck forever where you are.

Even more so when you stretch outside your comfort zone, whether it’s changing careers. hiring a coach or mentor to support you, or investing in your growth and development. 

I’ve done it many times in the past 10 years. I would not have a successful business and work I love without it. 

Many times, I stepped outside my comfort zone…
…after I was laid off from Yahoo!,
…when I decided to start my business.
…when I hired my first business coach.
…when I decided to stay in the US despite all the obstacles. 

I did it over and over. 
I’ve invested over and over in coaches and mentors. Because I knew that without that, I would not fulfill my dreams and desires.  
I would not be where I am today. 

Don’t be fooled. If you think my success and me doing the work I love is pure luck. It is not. I’ve had a team of support and have invested in myself…. and to do that, I had to go over my fears every single time. 

What about you?

 Do you have dreams and desires to fulfill? Are you waiting until you don’t have any fear to act? 
Are you letting the fear in the driver’s seat of your life? 
Do you back out on your dreams because of your fears?

Here are two ESSENTIAL ingredients to create the work and life of your dreams:

  • Feeling your fears, being willing to face them, and to move forwards with them. 
  • Having a team of support to help you in the places where you get stuck and can’t figure it out all alone. As my mentors say: “Getting help is not being weak; it’s being wise.”

I’ve done it over and over. This is why I know the courage it takes for you to do it and the courage it takes my clients when they decide to work with me.

I am walking the talk.

Are you?


Wow…it blew my mind!

Wow…it blew my mind!


This was my reaction when my client, Davis, told me last week he made it to the Forbes 30 Under 30 list!

Davis started working with me last May to increase his clarity, motivation, and confidence in building his second business out of his passion for teaching and entrepreneurship.

Since then, he has been totally rocking it. 

Removing blocks after blocks in our sessions and stepping even more into his talents for entrepreneurship.

He just published his first book “How To Start a Business (In 50 Pages)” that I received in my mailbox today.

Watch out!  He is up to big things in the world. 

You can too!


P.S. Need support to make a difference in the world with your talents?

I currently have **3 spots** open in my coaching practice for successful professionals or entrepreneurs stuck in a career they no longer love and ready to discover the next career they’ll absolutely love that will make a difference in the world.

If this is you or someone you know (friend, spouse, relative, coworker), fill out this form and we’ll connect!