“Where do I start?”
“I have no idea where to start”
I often hear this from high-achieving leaders and professionals who want to change careers, find purposeful work, or their second or third career.
Is this you or maybe someone you know—a friend, relative, spouse, or coworker?
….maybe someone who just got laid off and is wondering what’s next.
Well, here is where you start.
This is where I start with most of my clients.
This is where I started on my path.
This is why my clients gain crystal clarity, confidence, and certainty about the direction of their careers.
You start with clarifying your own personalized COMPASS to your meaningful work.
We all have one.
A built-in compass to a career and life or purpose, meaning, and joy.
It’s already inside of you.
Do you know yours?
If not, this may be…
…why you are lost or stuck, wondering what’s next in your career or what is the right path to take.
…why you let external pressure, fears, and doubts take a hold of you as you choose your career path.
…why you end up in a career that is draining you and sucking the energy, joy, and meaning out of you.
The good news is that you came into the world with a built-in compass to a career and life of purpose, joy, and meaning.
When you are clear on your inner compass…
…you know which career and life direction to pursue.
…you stop second-guessing yourself and your career choices.
…you find the clarity, confidence, and motivation to finally take the next step.
…you stop procrastinating on your dreams and envying others who go after theirs.
…you navigate skillfully your career and life.
It’s why I just created a new free report to help you get started on discovering–or re-discovering–your inner compass to your purposeful work. This is for you if you want to bring more meaning, joy, and purpose into your existing or next career.
In this free report, you will discover:
- your built-in compass to guide you toward your purposeful work,
- the 4 elements of your unique compass so that you can align your career and life with who you really are,
- 8 simple tools you can use right away to start uncovering your inner compass.
>> Get Your Compass to Your Purposeful Work
Enjoy the discovery and keep me posted on what you find!
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