I just DID it!
5 min before the deadline…
I submitted a proposal to speak at the 2023 International Enneagram Association Global Conference.
Why I’m sharing this with you?
Well, there are some learnings I want to share with you.
The deadline to submit was tonight, November 30, at 9 pm Pacific Time.
I had known about it for a month and was planning to apply. I ended up needing some R&R time to rest in mid-November. My personal life took the forefront. The idea of submitting a proposal felt like it was coming from “should” and “ego” rather than authentic inspiration, so I decided not to do it.
Then, yesterday, I woke up and felt a sudden urge to submit a proposal. I received a rush of ideas about my talk, the topic, and even the title. For the next twenty minutes, I jotted down all of it on a piece of paper. It all came to me, so clearly. I felt a level of clarity and confidence about the talk that I had not felt before.
Suddenly, I knew I had to do it. Not from a place of “should” but from intuition and inner knowing. They have a different flavor. Are you able to tell the difference?
Despite the short notice, I listened to the call and gathered the information I needed for the submission process. I knew it was tight but the inner knowing I had to do it was stronger than the time constraints. So, I kept going.
Everything I needed came easily. The three people I contacted for references said yes; they were honored to play that role. I got some fantastic suggestions from my colleagues to improve the title. Finishing the proposal on time was a race against the clock but I did it! And I feel good about it. I followed my intuition and inspiration and took the step I was called to take. Now, it’s out of my hands and I trust the process, whatever the outcome will be.
Here are my learnings for you:
1. Notice the difference between “shoulds”/”have to” and intuition/inspiration.
2. Listen to the latter.
3. Act on it, even if your rational mind may give you all kinds of excuses or reasons why it’s not a good idea (e.g., It’s too late, it’s too short notice, I won’t make it, people will say no, my idea is not good enough, etc)
4. Trust and let go.
How will you apply these this week?
Comment below and tell me. I want to hear!
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