Want more meaning? Ask THIS.

Want more meaning? Ask THIS.

Are you looking for more meaning and purpose in your career and in your life?

If you are like many of the clients I support and people I talk to, you probably are.

Well, if you are, there is a good question to ask yourself. 

This is a question I often ask my private VIP clients looking for meaningful work.
This is a topic we uncover that is deeply intertwined with their purpose and calling. 

It was the case with one of my clients recently…

She came to me four months ago to find her career path and the meaning of her life. She said she had always been looking for the meaning of her life, but could never find it.

Well, after four months of deep dive into her core values and drivers, her natural talents, passions, and essence, we just clarified her biggest calling… Her mission is to help girls succeed and realize their dreams.

This is deeply resonant for her. 

And I know this is it.

Do you know why I know it?

It is directly linked to her own life journey and her wounds from the past.

The biggest calling and purpose of your career and life is often linked to your biggest childhood wound OR to one of the biggest challenges you had to overcome in your life so far, and how you overcome it. 

So here is the question for you to ponder…

>>  What is the biggest life challenge or biggest childhood wound you had to overcome, and how you overcame it?
What did you learn from it? 

There is a gift in it. A gift for you and for the world.

I can’t wait for you to find it. 


P.S. If you need help clarifying your career calling, or your meaningful career and life, I’d love to help.
I’m currently accepting applications for private clients. 3 clients recently graduated; so I’ve 3 spots currently open.
>> Apply here and I’ll be in touch.

Covid could not stop them!

Covid could not stop them!

My clients’ visions are coming true and Covid did not stop them!

Lately, I’ve received many updates and celebrations from clients who are making their dreams come true. I’m getting so many of them that I can’t hardly keep up or share them all…

There are clients who have worked with me in 2020 during the pandemic.  

The visions I helped them clarify during our coaching work are happening!

Here are a few of them:
  ✅ A director of marketing and communications with 20 years of experience and a passion for fashion just started an online fashion store—I will share it with you as soon as she gives me the green light—, has taken a few small business clients who need assistance with marketing and presentation coaching, and is experimenting working remotely with her husband, which is part of their dream lifestyle.

✅ A successful software consultant with 20 years of experience, initially depressed and feeling like a failure, was able to see his work in a totally new way. As a result, he grew quickly in his executive leadership role while embarking on a new career as a coach and trainer.

✅ A project manager with 12+ years of experience applied for the health coaching certification program she wanted and just made an offer on a house in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania where she moved with her husband to be closer to her family.  

✅ An actuary turned data scientist living in San Francisco with her husband achieved her long-time desire to move back to England to be with family and friends and is getting closer to buying a house in London.

✅ A public relations and communications specialist, initially stuck, stressed, and demoralized in her work, became so clear about her strengths, true passions, and vision for her career through the coaching process that she was able to seize an opportunity for a new fulfilling career that came right in front of her. This work will allow her to fulfill her purpose of stewardship and keeping the legacy of the past for future generations. 

All of these are visions we clarify together during the coaching process.

All of these clients started working with me 8 to 12 months ago in the midst of the pandemic.

Covid did not stop them!

If they did it, so can you. 

Want to be next on the list?
Or maybe someone you know (spouse, relative, friend, coworker) who is stuck in their careers. 

I’ve 3 spots open for new private clients and I’m currently taking applications for these spots.

>> Apply here or forward this blog to someone who could benefit from the help. 

It is for seasoned professionals and entrepreneurs who want to discover the next career they’ll absolutely love and the confidence to make it happen. 

I look forward to being of service to you or someone you know,


P.S. This is what Ryan says about his experience working with me. 

“After 20 years in the tech industry and 2 major depressions, I was finally ready to take seriously the fact that I didn’t love my work like supposedly people did. I had been successful in consulting, building a new offering from the ground up, creating a new organization around it and selling over $150M of new clients in ~3 years and yet I was depressed and felt like I was a complete failure.

Isabelle’s process of identifying the “personal blueprint” (focussed on the “authentic self”), using tools very different from the traditional Myers-Briggs personality typing, brought tremendous insight into aspects of my personality that were huge assets and strengths that I had previous taken for granted or barely noticed and which had really powered much my success. It also helped me to become comfortable with what didn’t come naturally to me in a way no other personal development work I’d ever done (StrengthsFinders, MBTI, etc) had been able to do. For the first time, I was able to take seriously the often extremely powerful feedback I had gotten from others and fully accept that the aspects of myself – loving working to serve other people, coaching, mentoring and charting ambitious visions for teams around me – that I had previously overlooked, undervalued or simply denied (thanks to long help beliefs from childhood about what I was and wasn’t) were very real and in fact powerful. This sent me on a journey of self-development that ended in not abandoning my career at all, but being able to see it in a completely new way. That has allowed me to access resources I din’t know I had and grow immensely and quickly in my executive leadership role while at the same time also embarking on a new career simultaneously.”

– Ryan M., San Francisco, CA

Following your aliveness

Following your aliveness

In the past seven days:

✅ I taught two workshops to 30 students from around the world (all over the US, Canada, Australia).

✅ I shared my journey on an Enneagram panel with two of my favorite Enneagram teachers, Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes.

✅ I attended an enlightening three-day online event to explore the next level of support to uplevel my business and step into my thought leadership.

✅ I got contacted by 12 awesome people who want to work with me to reinvent their careers, step into their career calling and do the work they love.

This is what happens when you follow your aliveness.

A lot of these things were not initially planned and happened as a result of me following the nudges of my intuition and aliveness.

and I know there is more to come…

In the next 10 days:

✅ I’m teaching another workshop. (Check details)

✅ I’m talking to several coaches and mentors for my continued personal and professional transformation.

✅ I’m having conversations and follow-ups with 10 people who are considering working with me.

✅ I look forward to discovering the unexpected events that will happen as I continue to follow the bread crumbs of my intuition and aliveness.

What is the quiet voice of your intuition or the pull of your aliveness/desire is guiding you to do?

Are you listening and following it?

It is showing you the path forward.


Time for some shoutouts to my amazing clients and their success in 2020!

Time for some shoutouts to my amazing clients and their success in 2020!

In the midst of the stressful times we are experiencing in the US and worldwide, I want to continue bringing light and inspiration to you, while also acknowledging all the emotions and challenges you may be experiencing. 

In these times, I encourage you to feel and welcome all your emotions, get supported in community, be gentle with yourself while continuing to celebrate life. 

It’s why I want to share with you the success of some of my fabulous clients in 2020. 

By courageously stepping into their career callings, they are making the world a better place for all of us.

As a result of our work together through my signature 1:1 program “Land the Career You Love”

⭐️ A successful senior marketing manager with 15+ years of corporate experience went from despair and frustration to clarity about her true calling. She is well on her way to starting her real estate business to help families create the life of their dreams.

⭐️A multi-talented chef, lecturer, writer, tour guide based in New Zealand fulfilled her dream of starting a business as a cooking school and food tour guide. She is regularly showcased in the press and radio. She now runs popular cooking classes with guest chefs—some celebrities!—and run events, curated feasts, food/art events like her Cooking with the French Impressionists series.

⭐️ A VP with 20 years of corporate success went from burned out and fearful to fulfilling her dream of becoming her own boss.

 ⭐️ A project manager with 12+ years of experience is making a career shift to health coaching and moving from the San Francisco Bay Area to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to fulfill her value of being close to family and community.

⭐️ A successful restaurant owner, burned out and anxious about next steps, sold her restaurant, was accepted to a prestigious Stanford training, and is stepping into her passion for communication, conflict resolution, and leadership coaching  as a consultant. Two agencies are already asking her to join. 

⭐️ A seasoned designer and artist embraced her calling and gifts as a fine artist. As a result, she more than doubled her gross earnings in 2020 while working with more ease and joy. You can check her fine art here

Sara Glaser Fine Art

⭐️ An actuary turned data scientist living in San Francisco with her husband achieved her long-time desire to move back to England to be closer to family and friends. She is on her path to making her other dreams come true, including working in sustainability and buying a house near London. 

⭐️ A 26-year-old talented entrepreneur made it to the Forbes 30 Under 30 list, published his first book, and is starting his second business to fulfill his passion and calling for teaching. 

I am so proud of them!
and of all my other clients not listed here. There are many more.

They show us that, even during a global pandemic, it is possible to make a career shift.

Want to be next on the list in 2021?

I’ll be honored to support you. 

>>Check my program Land the Career You Love. If that speaks to you, apply here to explore how I could support you.

I work with highly motivated individuals ready to challenge the status quo in their careers and lives, face their fears, and step into the career and life their heart truly desires. 

It it’s you, I’d love to talk!


P.S. It is also my joy to support your friends and family. If you know people (friends, spouse, relatives, coworkers) who  need help discovering the career they absolutely love, please forward this email to them. I’d love to hear from them!

This is my glow today after…

This is my glow today after…

🔥 signing up a wonderful new client: a successful Chinese-American attorney who is ready to change careers to discover the meaningful work she is here to do on the planet.

🔥 completing a badass coaching session with a client who is making a career shift from project management to health coaching and moving from California to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania as the result of our work together in the past four months.

🔥 finding out that one of my brilliant entrepreneur clients made it to the Forbes 30 under 30 list. Stay tuned for more about him soon!  He is super talented and it’s an honor to support him shine even brighter.

🔥 attending a powerful call with diversity and equity educator Trudi Lebron about cultural responsiveness in sales conversations. I’m keeping up my commitment to make my business practices more inclusive.

🔥 taking care of myself by reaching out to friends to support me in navigating some emotional triggers. A big part of success is to practice self-care and know when and who to reach out for support. I practice what I preach to my clients!

What are you celebrating this week?

Comment below and share with me!

Big or small, it does not matter. Celebrating micro-victories is a key practice of successful people. This is one of the practices I have my clients do. 

To your success and your “glow” on your own terms,


P.S. Is this for you or someone you know (friend, spouse, relative, coworker)?

I currently have **3 spots** open in my coaching practice for successful professionals or entrepreneurs stuck in a career they no longer love and ready to discover the next career they’ll absolutely love that will make a difference in the world.
If this is you or someone you know, fill out this form and we’ll connect!