It is noon and I’m still in bed

It is noon and I’m still in bed

in my comfy PJs and robe. under my cozy blankets.

Meditating, journaling, life visioning, contemplating.

I have not had breakfast yet or eaten any food. Just drunk hot water from the thermos set on my bedside table.

This is a typical Sunday morning for me. and one of my favorite things to do on Sundays.

This is how I tap into my intuition and inner guidance about my life. In silence and spaciousness of time. with no pressure to do anything and get anywhere.

A lot of the visions for dreams that become manifest in my life start there, from the comfort of my bed on a Sunday morning.

In my journal. in the listening. in the silence.

  • The vision for the O1 VIsa—US VIsa for individuals with extraordinary abilities—that allowed me to fulfill my dream to stay in the US and grow my business here started on a Sunday morning from my bed.
  • Many trips, retreats, and adventures I went to were birthed from my bed.
  • My dream of moving to California and the US started from my bed.

The vision for 2021 and for the next stage of my life and business are being birthed right now as I write this, from my bed in my PJs.

My bed and my PJs on Sunday mornings are some of my most productive tools.

Yes, productive. It’s what I wrote.

Staying in bed on Sunday mornings is productive.

I resisted it at first.

Like this morning. I wanted to stay in bed and have the spaciousness to meditate, contemplate, journal.

But a part of me resisted it.

A part of me was judging it.

That part was saying: “there are many things you need to do today, and staying in bed will slow you down. You don’t have time for that.”

The part that thinks “productivity” means “doing, doing, doing,” getting things done. Everything else is laziness and time wasted.

The part that was conditioned to think productivity has to look a certain way and that staying in bed for hours without a specific end time is the opposite of productivity.

What is productivity anyway?

Where does that come from?

Why in the US and in the Western world, are we running after it, all the time?

When one of the most powerful and “productive” guidance comes from the silence, the “non-doing,” the listening within, the leisureliness of the being and slowing down.

Most of my manifested dreams were birthed in the non-doing.

I am so glad I did not listen to the conditioned part of me this morning.

And, as a result, I’m being so productive from my bed.

Birthing the next dreams that I will manifest and celebrate in 2021 and beyond.

What is a “non-productive” thing you are going to do today?

If you leave the conditioned voice of “productivity” aside, what are you called to do and be?

Do and be that!


This morning, I did this. (NEW practice to start 2020 clear & empowered)

This morning, I did this. (NEW practice to start 2020 clear & empowered)

This morning, I did this.

I highly recommend it.

It is bringing me inner peace as I start 2020, a new year and a new decade of my life.

I recommend this practice if you want to start 2020 with more peace of mind, empowerment, and acceptance of where you are in your life.

It may sound confronting or heavy at first, but it is SO worth it. It really works!

Try it and let me know what you find out.

It is like when you look at your finances. It may be uncomfortable at first, and then it brings you peace of mind to know where you are at.

Here is what I did.

It took me about 2-3 hours of reflection/journaling.

I looked back at the 3 past decades of my life.
– 2010-2019
– 2000-2009
– 1990-1999

For each decade, on one piece of paper, I listed the main themes in terms of achievements and personal/professional transformation and lessons learned (work, life, personal development, travels, and any themes that are personal and meaningful to me and to my own journey. Eg. Living my life purpose, becoming bilingual, discovering my passions, doing what I love).

Then, I noticed the overarching theme for each decade and the evolution from one decade to the next.

As a result of it:

  • I feel great as I got in touch in touch with how much I and my life have positively transformed and evolved in 3 decades, despite challenges along the way.
  • I notice the evolution decade after decade, and how what I did in each decade prepared me for the next. I can see that there is a natural progression and unfoldment that I could not see at the time. Seeds planted in one decade beautifully blossomed into the next.
  • I feel so much clarity about the past three decades of my life and what the themes have been.
  • This clarity empowers me as I enter a new year and decade of my life.
  • I feel at peace and more accepting of where I am in my life, trusting that things are unfolding for my best and highest good.
  • I know that I don’t have to do it all alone: I can see a bigger plan and higher power at play in the unfoldment of my life purpose that is with me on this journey. I can surrender to it, instead of pushing, efforting, and complaining about things not going MY way.

I want that for you too.

It is SO worth it.


and let me know what you find out by commenting below. 

To you shining your light BRIGHT in 2020, doing what you love!
