Your legacy

Your legacy

I’m celebrating another client who is crystal clear about the legacy he wants to leave behind.

We started working together four months ago. As his grandfather did, he wanted to leave a mark in the world but did not know what it was. 

Well, in our coaching session today, he reached a critical point

…a point of deep knowing and excitement about the vision for his career and life, and the legacy that comes with it. 

He knows what it is and is ecstatic about it. 

What is your legacy?


Don’t think what you have to offer is valuable enough? Watch THIS. (Video)

Don’t think what you have to offer is valuable enough? Watch THIS. (Video)

Do you want to make a difference in the world and don’t think what you have to offer is valuable enough? or will really make a difference?

You may be stuck in this limiting belief that I share in the video and that I hear from many of my clients.

Watch the video to find out about it and what to do to get unstuck.

Comment below and share your thoughts with me. I’d love to hear!

To your brilliance,


P.S. Share with people you know (friends, spouse, relative, coworkers) who may need to hear this!

I’m on a mission and it’s FUN. What’s yours?

I’m on a mission and it’s FUN. What’s yours?

I am on a mission to support as many people as I can do their life’s work.

And this is the most FUN thing in the world for me to do!

Cathedral Rock, near Sedona, Arizona. Photo: Lindsay A. Miller

(Wealthy Goddess Retreat led by Kendra E Thornbury.)

I cannot help it. It flows out of me naturally and brings me so much JOY.

This is what happens when you do the work you are meant to do.

You CANNOT help but doing it all the time, without realizing you do it.

Because this is WHO YOU ARE.

Let me give you examples:

  • When I see a friend supporting a cause dear to their heart, it makes me happy.
  • When I see a friend or someone I know doing what they love or their life’s work, I champion them.
  • I cheer my friends on to go for their dreams and what their soul wants. 
  • When I meet someone at a gathering doing what they love, I get so excited for them and I tell them.
  • When my clients start uncovering what they are here to do, I get SO FREAKIN’ HAPPY for them. I jump up and down. Yep, I’ve done that in sessions with clients. 🙂
  • When I see past colleagues going for their dreams, I am so proud of them and it fills my heart with joy.

I get SO excited, like a kid in the candy store!

What is it that you cannot help doing or thinking?

Hit reply and tell me, I’d love to hear.

And if you don’t know yet, well, this is a very cool exploration for you to go on.


This is what doing your life’s work is supposed to be like!

