This morning, I did this. (NEW practice to start 2020 clear & empowered)

This morning, I did this. (NEW practice to start 2020 clear & empowered)

This morning, I did this.

I highly recommend it.

It is bringing me inner peace as I start 2020, a new year and a new decade of my life.

I recommend this practice if you want to start 2020 with more peace of mind, empowerment, and acceptance of where you are in your life.

It may sound confronting or heavy at first, but it is SO worth it. It really works!

Try it and let me know what you find out.

It is like when you look at your finances. It may be uncomfortable at first, and then it brings you peace of mind to know where you are at.

Here is what I did.

It took me about 2-3 hours of reflection/journaling.

I looked back at the 3 past decades of my life.
– 2010-2019
– 2000-2009
– 1990-1999

For each decade, on one piece of paper, I listed the main themes in terms of achievements and personal/professional transformation and lessons learned (work, life, personal development, travels, and any themes that are personal and meaningful to me and to my own journey. Eg. Living my life purpose, becoming bilingual, discovering my passions, doing what I love).

Then, I noticed the overarching theme for each decade and the evolution from one decade to the next.

As a result of it:

  • I feel great as I got in touch in touch with how much I and my life have positively transformed and evolved in 3 decades, despite challenges along the way.
  • I notice the evolution decade after decade, and how what I did in each decade prepared me for the next. I can see that there is a natural progression and unfoldment that I could not see at the time. Seeds planted in one decade beautifully blossomed into the next.
  • I feel so much clarity about the past three decades of my life and what the themes have been.
  • This clarity empowers me as I enter a new year and decade of my life.
  • I feel at peace and more accepting of where I am in my life, trusting that things are unfolding for my best and highest good.
  • I know that I don’t have to do it all alone: I can see a bigger plan and higher power at play in the unfoldment of my life purpose that is with me on this journey. I can surrender to it, instead of pushing, efforting, and complaining about things not going MY way.

I want that for you too.

It is SO worth it.


and let me know what you find out by commenting below. 

To you shining your light BRIGHT in 2020, doing what you love!


Back from Santa Cruz, California… the BEST thing about doing work you love!

Back from Santa Cruz, California… the BEST thing about doing work you love!

Do you know what is one of the BEST things about doing work you love?
Well, read on to find out!

I’m back from a fun and deeply transformative 3-day workshop on the Enneagram and relational skills with one of my mentors and masterful facilitator, Ben Saltzman.

I LOVED every moment of it. There were lots of deep and authentic connection, some profound personal growth and transformation, and lots of fun.

(Photo: Ben Saltzman)

I was in my element. Personal development is my #1 passion.
I LOVE taking all kinds of workshops and classes to know myself better and transform old patterns holding me back from being the full expression of myself and living the life of my dreams.

(Photo: Ben Saltzman)

I signed up for this workshop for my own pleasure.

and you know what?

It is supporting me in being a better coach with my clients and a more successful business owner.

I’m already applying a lot of the things I learned in this workshop in my work. My knowledge of the Enneagram combined with my 20-year expertise in the Myers-Briggs personality types and related models (Essential Motivators and Interaction Styles) is a KICKASS combination in supporting my clients finding the work they love and overcoming their unique challenges.

This is what happens when you do work you absolutely love. 

What you do for fun helps you be better in your work. 
Personal and professional development become the SAME thing.

How cool is that?!!

There is no more disconnect between YOU in your personal life and YOU at work

NO MORE feeling like you need to be two different people depending on the context.

YOU CAN BRING ALL OF YOURSELF IN YOUR WORK, including your passions and what makes you tick.

Do you want that, Isabelle? I know I want it for you!

Well, if you do, this is time for you to step into the work you love, or to step even more into it if you are already doing it.


and I’m here to cheer you on.


P.S. Not sure how to get there? Apply for a  breakthrough session with me and I’ll help you figure out the path to get there!

It’s time to let go of THIS

It’s time to let go of THIS

Happy New Year!
Bonne annee!

I have a question for you to help you start 2019. Probably one of the most important questions you need to ask yourself.

As I was playing one of these Facebook games (yes, I could not resist!), I received a powerful quote and I thought about you.

I thought you might need to hear this.

Here it goes.

Are you waiting for someone (your spouse, your parents, your co-workers, society, your boss, etc.) to give you permission to…

…BE who you are?
…DO the work you love?
…FOLLOW your dreams?
…LOVE what you love?
…LIVE the life you want to live?

Listen carefully. Sometimes, we do that in subtle ways. 

If so, this is time to STOP.

Yes, STOP.

Stop waiting for others’ and the outside world’s permission to be who you are and do what you love.

If not now, when?

  • next year?
  • in 10 years?
  • on your death bed, when it’s too late?

A palliative nurse recorded the most common regrets of the dying and put her findings into a book called “The Top Five Regrets of The Dying.”

Guess what is the #1 regret of people at the end of their lives?

Well, this one:

“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”
“This was the most common regret of all. When people realize that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not honored even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made. Health brings a freedom very few realize until they no longer have it.”

Is that you? Be truly honest with yourself. Stop and look within.

  • If so, don’t wait!
    • in which area of your life are you giving others or society the power to decide who you are and what you should do with your life or career?
    • In which aspect of your work or life can you be more true to yourself?

Slow down and take the time to reflect now. 

  • If not, fabulous! Congrats on being true to you!
    • Are there areas in your life where you could be even more true to you and let go of others’ or society’s ideas and opinions?
    • Forward this email to someone you know (spouse, coworker, friend, relative) who may need to hear this message.

Whatever your situation is, say this out loud a few times with me.

Yes, out loud.

There is a power in declaring out loud the reality we want. It helps enters into our consciousness more.

“I don’t need your permission to be exactly who I am.”

Say it again.

“I don’t need your permission to be exactly who I am.”

To you being true to yourself in 2019!

I’ve got your back!


STOP wasting your life!! What staying in work you hate is TRULY costing you

Are you (or someone you know) staying in work you hate out of fear of losing your lifestyleyour benefitsyour income level?

….or not being able to pay for your mortgage, your student loan, or retirement if you change careers?

 If so, listen up! this article is for you.
 (or for people you know who are struggling with this. Feel free to pass it along.)

After interviewing, over the past 5 years, hundreds of people unhappy in their careers, this is the #1 concern I’m hearing from people who are considering changing careers.

  • “I hate my job but I’ve such a good salary and benefits; I’m afraid I’ll lose that if I change careers.”
  • “The life in [location] is so expensive; I don’t know how I’ll pay my mortgage if I leave my job.”
  • “I’m concerned I’ll have to start all over again, at a lower level.”


I get it.The fear of losing the financial security can be intense and I’m not discounting it.

But, let me ask you this,Have you ever thought about what staying in work you hate day after day, and year after year is COSTING you?

Well, let me tell you what I’ve heard hundreds of people unhappy in their work tell me over and over.

It is costing:

  • your happiness and fulfillment. You spend more time at work than in any other areas of your life. Think about hating 5 out of 7 days of each week for the rest of your life. Is that truly living?
  • your self-esteem and your confidence. Every single person I talk to tells me how they are doubting themselves and their abilities. This is what spending years in work that is not a fit does to you. It erodes your confidence. The more you stay, the more you doubt yourself and the harder it is to find the confidence to get out and explore other jobs or careers. You get stuck in a vicious cycle.
  • your emotional and mental health. Forcing yourself to stay in work you hate is harmful to your mental health and can lead to depression. I’ve heard people telling me they often feel depressed.
  • your physical health. Staying in work you hate is draining for your body. If you consistently feel drained after work, it is taking a toll on your health. What about the sleepless nights and all the physical symptoms and illnesses, mild or severe, you start developing as a result?
  • your romantic relationship. Your unhappiness and stress do not stay at work. Whether you want it or not, you bring them back home in your relationship. How does you complaining day after day about your work affect your relationship?
  • your friendships and your social life. I’ve heard many people telling me how it impacts negatively their social life. They may be too drained to meet their friends or pursue their hobbies. Or they bring their negativity in their friendships.
  • the happiness and development of your children. Imagine the impact (short and long term) on your children, of unhappy, stressed, emotionally and physically unavailable parents? What are you modeling to them? If you are unhappy in your work, how can they know that it is possible to be happy at work.
  • and more!

Here is the TRUTH:

Staying in work you hate is costing you not only your happiness, but also the happiness of your loved ones

  • How worth it it is to have all the money you want IF your life, your health, your relationships are destroyed or eroded as a result?
  • How worth it it is to have all the money you want to retire IF you end your life with excruciating regrets?

 *** In her book “The Top Five Regrets of The Dying,” Bronnie Ware, a palliative nurse shares the most common regrets of the dying she heard in her practice.
The #1 is: “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.” “When people realize that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not honored even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made. “

Here is another TRUTH:

In the long run, it is COSTING YOU WAY MORE to stay in work you hate than to explore something else.


I get it that it can be scary to consider changing careers.

But it does not necessarily have to be.

It is why I created a step-by-step process to make it as progressive and supportive as possible, so that you don’t feel like you have to jump off a cliff and risk everything.

  1. First, we clarify your unique talents, drivers of satisfaction, and passions so that you can build clarity, confidence, and a strong inner compass for your next steps.
  2. Then, ​we identify the career that is uniquely tailored to you, your talents, and purpose, so that you have a clear direction and you never again doubt the direction of your career.​
  3. Finally, we ​create a personalized action plan so that you know exactly what steps to take to create the career you love. I support you in designing an action plan that is progressive and respects your own pace.

You don’t necessarily have to leave your job or career right away. Actually, most of my clients don’t and take a step-by-step approach that feels right for them.

But once you are clear and confident about what you ultimately want, it is way easier to consider the different paths and progressive steps to get where you want to be without sacrificing your sanity and your financial foundations.

From that place of clarity and confidence, you will see that you have WAY more options than you think, and that you don’t have to jump off the cliff.

This is what I focus on in the program that I open twice a year.

>>> The doors of my next program officially open next week, on October 1. 

Stay tuned for more details!

To a life NOT wasted!


It breaks my heart to see so many people wasting their lives in work they hate.