This is making you sick

This is making you sick

The week before last, I wrote a bold message about what staying in work you hate is TRULY costing you. (you can find the article here if you missed it)

Well, I want to dive deeper into one of the BIGGEST costs I’ve heard so many times from the hundreds of people I’ve interviewed over the past 5 years.

It is the cost on your PHYSICAL HEALTH.

Yep, staying in work you hate is making you sick

Not sure?

Well, I collected for you real words from real people over the hundreds of interviews I’ve done, in English and in French. (notes from an interview in the pic)

I can’t sleep at night.

I wake up in the middle of the night. 

I get really anxious.

j’ai les nerfs a fleur de peau.

J’ai des crises d’anxiete.

I have high blood pressure.

I have panic attacks.

My mind is racing.

I am physically drained.

I am tired.

I have no energy.

I am exhausted.

Je suis tendu.

I am sick to my stomach.

I am gaining weight.

I eat to compensate from my stress.

I feel stress in my body.

I have a pain in my right shoulder.

Can you relate to any of these?

Or maybe you have other symptoms?

What are the physical symptoms you are suffering from as a result of work?

Not sure if they are related to work?

Well, I’m not saying that every single physical symptom you suffer from is the result of not liking your work.

However, I know that staying 5 days per week in work you hate is impacting negatively your health.

This is REAL.

Yes, staying in work you hate is making you sick!

Is that what you want?

If not, what are you going to do about it?

Today? This week?

Well, I can help.

I can help you feel alive, energized, and recharged at work and outside of work.

This is why I created my Roadmap To A Career You Love group program.

so that you:

  • Wake up excited to go to work.
  • Have a career you love that’s meaningful and fulfilling.
  • Have a career that is good for your health.

This group program is open for a limited amount of time and I run it only twice a year.

So, don’t miss it!

>> Click here for the details and how to apply.

To your vibrant health doing work that energizes you,


P.S. Your health matters… this is time to take care of it!

Discover the work you love that is good for your body, mind, heart, and soul!

what I did on Saturday (pics)… and why you need to do this too!

what I did on Saturday (pics)… and why you need to do this too!

Saturday was a NO-PLAN day for me!

I let the day totally open with NO plans whatsoever…

I let it unfold organically according to what my body, mind, heart, and spirit needed in each moment.

It was a day of exquisite self-care.

And it was the BEST.

  • it started with going to my strength training class.
  • then, my body wanted sauna and steam room. So, I drove back home to pick up my bathing suit and went back to my gym to enjoy a combo of sauna + steam room + hot tub + pool + cold shower. As many times as my body wanted. No questions asked.
  • I got a green juice and treated myself to a healthy meal at one of my favorite local places.
  • then, I decided to call my mum and brother who were enjoying dinner in France. We had a wonderful impromptu video chat.
  • then, I got inspired to go for a walk at a local park I love (by the Bay).

  • I had called my favorite local spa earlier to see if they had availability for a massage. They called me back saying a spot had just opened up. So I treated myself to a very relaxing full body massage.

  • then, I was called to go back to the park I was at earlier (Point Isabel) to enjoy more of its beauty. So, I did. No overthinking, simply following the guidance of my body.

How often do you have NO-PLAN days and let the day unfold according to the inspiration of the moment?

If you don’t, you need to!

Our lives in our western societies (even more so in the busy overachieving US) are over planned. We need more unplanned days. Our body and mind need them. Our health needs them.
When is your next NO-PLAN day??


This is a very SERIOUS question.

Your health depends on it.
Doing the work you love depends on it.
Your relationships depend on it!
Your LIFE depends on it.

Start today!


What is your #1 medicine?

What is your #1 medicine?

What do you do when you need to recharge?

What is your #1 medicine when you feel stressed, overworked, tired, or down?

Well, mine is the Ocean.

The Ocean recharges me every time.

Every time I am feeling down, tired, worried, overworked, or meh. It works. It recharges me.

At first, I doubt it. I resist it.

I wonder: “really? will it work this time?” “Shall I even bother?”

And then, as soon as I go BY or, even better, IN the Ocean, whether I put my feet or my full body in, I start feeling better.

The water washes my worries away.

The other day, I was feeling “meh.”

I knew deep down my body needed water.

But I resisted it at first. “Really? It’s a long drive. Why bother? Are you sure it’s worth it?”

I had the choice to go in a lake on my way back to the AirBnB I was staying at or to drive longer and go to the Ocean.

Despite my doubts, resistance, and the longer drive, I ended up choosing the Ocean.

I am SO glad I did.

It worked. Of course. It always does (at least 99% of the time)

I went in the Ocean. I swam and enjoyed feeling the water on my body for about 30 minutes.

And the magic happened. Again.

I went out and I was feeling refreshed and energized again.

Walnut Beach (Connecticut) – a few days before the wedding of my dear friend Stephanie.

After, I was so energized that I was feeling inspired to write.

Yes, the Ocean also helps me find my inspiration again.

Water and the Ocean are my BEST medicine. By far.

What is your medicine? What recharges you?

Every time.

Even if you resist it at first.

and wonder: “Why bother?”

Only YOU know what it is.

Deep down YOU know.

And it is important that you know and use it.

NOBODY can do it for you, even the best healer.

You are your best healer.

Your best medicine woman, your best medicine man.

Are you listening to your inner healer?

Are you using your medicine?

The medIcine for your spirit, mind, and body.

GO and DO IT. NOW.

And write in the comments! I want to hear what is your medicine.


Balancing your well-being with your career goals

Are you so anxious about achieving your career goals (or any other goals in you life) that you sacrifice your present well-being to reach your goals?

Are you so driven that you always do do do without taking care of yourself?

If so, watch this 3-min video to find out how to balance your well-being with your career goals.

Share any discovery or insights you gain in the comments below. I’d love to hear!




Our worst enemy is inside

Our worst enemy is not outside ourselves, but inside. Every time we judge or blame ourself, buy other people’s judgements about ourselves, wish we were different than who we are, put unrealistic demands on ourselves and blame ourselves for not fulfilling them, or let others put unrealistic demands on ourselves, we act as our very own enemy.