(Client Success Story) At 27, she found her North Star

(Client Success Story) At 27, she found her North Star

OMG. I am so pumped up!

I just helped another of my client clarify her ultimate career dream and the work she is here to do on the planet.

After 4 months of working together, this is what she said in our session last week: 

“It’s like a North Star I can finally see and some kind of purpose.
This is the first time I’m seeing that for a very long time. It was hidden.
I’ve something I can work towards. It’s a huge relief, to not have this constant fear that I don’t know what I want; that what I’ll do will be a mistake.”
(Shared with her permission; name kept confidential)

She started working with me in May after attending my workshop at General Assembly in San Francisco. 

When we started together, like many of my clients, she was anxious about her future:

 “I don’t know what I’m here for, what I’m supposed to do.
I fear that what I’ll do will be a mistake.”

Now, only four months later, she is clear about her dream career and her purpose. She has found her North Star.

She wants to “found a business that develops solutions to help close the gap of inequality for women in the workplace. Covering aspects such as equal pay, equality of opportunity, and equal representation in executive leadership.”

She is only 27 and I know this will happen in her lifetime.

This is her DESTINY and she has what it takes to fulfill it.

You do too.

Whatever yours is.

and however old you are.  I’ve helped clients in their 20’s all the way to clients in their 60’s.

If they did it, so can you.


P.S. Your North Star is waiting for you. Will you go and find it?

29 five-star reviews on Yelp!

29 five-star reviews on Yelp!


29 five-star reviews on Yelp!

I actually have 39 five-star reviews but only 29 are visible.

This is the reflection of my fierce commitment to being of best service to each one of my clients.

Excellence. Integrity. Transformation.

These are some of the core values that guide my work. 

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️


P.S. You or someone you know want to become a success story too?
This month, I’m welcoming two new 1:1 clients who are ready to discovering the career they absolutely love and the confidence to make it happen!
>> Apply here to schedule a time to chat with me.
Please forward this to people you know (spouse, friend, relative, coworker) who need the help!

SHE NEEDS OUR HELP…. and she needs it NOW.

SHE NEEDS OUR HELP…. and she needs it NOW.

Last Fall, after a visualization we did in our 1:1 session, my client Carla was in tears.

When I asked her about it, she said…

…. she was feeling the pain of the Earth. She was crying for the Earth.

It was during all the wildfires that affected California.

Photo Credit: Power Up for Climate Solutions

The Earth, Our Earth is hurting. 

SHE NEEDS OUR HELP…. and she needs it NOW.

Can you feel it, Isabelle?

If so, PLEASE read on and support Carla in her initiative to help our Planet.

There are concrete and super easy ways you can do that NOW.

Carla’s life purpose is to advocate for the healing of the Planet and our relationship with the natural world.

When we started working together a year ago: 

  • Carla was feeling very poorly about her career future; her self-confidence was extremely low.
  • She didn’t know what she wanted to do next.
  • She was discouraged and feeling very bleak.
  • She didn’t believe that she could find something really fulfilling for work
  • and if she did find it, she didn’t believe she could get hired to do it.

After 6 months of work together within the Roadmap To A Career You Love program and beyond, so much has shifted for her:

  • she regained her confidence
  • she felt a lot more in touch with her strengths and skills.
  • she became totally clear about what she wanted to do next
  • she still had some fears but the fears did not stop her from pursuing her dream:

Starting her non-profit to “activate and unite the quiet majority to solve climate change.”

She went for it and started her non-profit!

She is now gathering a community to support her mission and is taking donations.

Here are ways you can support Carla and her initiative:

Please take a few minutes of your day right now to do one of these things.

Your action, however small, is helping in HEALING the Earth.

Let’s do this together.

We can do it if we all participate!


He landed his dream career and invited me to attend his celebration party!

He landed his dream career and invited me to attend his celebration party!

“I thought you would like to know that I have landed finally, and the outcome is fantastic.”

Woohooo!! What a joy to receive this email! (see the full email below)

Every month, I teach my highly acclaimed workshop Career Shift: Find Work You Love at General Assembly in downtown San Francisco.

I’ve taught it now 40+ times for 4 years to 600+ students. 


Realizing that I’ve impacted hundreds of people through this class means a lot!

I often receive emails, notes, and words from my students about the transformational impact the exercises we do in the class have had on their career trajectory.

Last week, I received an email that made me really happy.

I want to share it with you to inspire you and to help you see what is possible for you or for the people in your life.

One of the attendees of my August class landed EXACTLY the work that he visualized during one of the exercises we did during the evening.

See his email below (posted and anonymized with his permission)

He even invited me to attend his celebration party! How fun!


“Hi Isabelle,

I thought you would like to know that I have landed finally, and the outcome is fantastic. And you will be excited to hear that I basically landed in exactly the kind of place where my “flow” exercise guided me, despite all my doubts that it would materialize as such.

I will be working on microsatellites at […] starting this week! I’m looking forward to getting back into space systems engineering, biking to the office, and experiencing the thrill of startup life. It seems like a really great fit for me with lots of potential. No dogs are allowed in the office, but everything else sounds amazing. 😀

Thanks again for being on my team, and reminding me that good career outcomes are possible too.

Hope things are well with you!



Know that this is possible for you too or for people in your life (relatives, friends, coworkers).


What is one step you are going to take before the end of the year towards the career of your dreams? 

2019 is around the corner.

How would that feel to start 2019 knowing that you are actively taking steps toward the work you love?


P.S. If you are already doing the work you love, please do me a favor and share this email with people you know who need this inspiration and reminder. I bet you know people who would benefit from some inspiration.

If they did it, so can you

I hope you have been enjoying 2016 so far. Spring is already on its way here in the San Francisco Bay Area. Flowers are blooming everywhere and it smells wonderful.

As Spring approaches in the North Hemisphere, I see a lot of my clients blooming into the next chapter of their career and life. I want to share some of their stories with you, so that you know….

If they did it, so can you.

I have no doubt about this. I see it happening every day in my office.

(For confidentiality purposes, I change some aspects of their identity, including their names)

Success story #1: From Sales to Human Resources
Pam was working in Sales for Google and was unhappy in her work, longing to do something she loved, but totally confused about what it was and how to find it.

Through my work with her, she found the clarity and courage to do what she really wanted. She left Google, took a sabbatical to travel, moved to Denver in Colorado, where she had always wanted to live. We identified that her dreamwork was to work in Human Resources and use her amazing people skills.
She has landed a great job in a startup and has the lifestyle she has always wanted. Lots of flexibility to do what she loves on the side, including helping her friends develop their business. She loves the freedom of driving to work when she wants. She is even getting a kitten. She has wanted to have a kitten for three years. She is happy and radiant. Everything is flowing for her.

Success story #2: From Industrial Design to starting a restaurant
Chris had been working for many years in industrial design, but reached a point where she was not happy anymore in her work. None of the job posts she would see would excite her, and she could not get herself to apply. Something was off. She wanted to do work that excited her but could not find what it was.

Through the process together, we identified that her true passion had always been cooking. She spends most of her free time cooking for friends and thinking about new recipes. She had been secretly dreaming about starting her own restaurant for years, but never found the courage to face her true desire and give it a try.
Through the confidence she gained in my process with her, she decided it was time to take the leap. As a first step, she decided to look for a job as an assistant chef in a restaurant as a way to explore the food industry and prepare herself for her dream. She made the leap and found the job she wanted, and is now on her way to make her dream career a reality, one step at a time.

Pam and Chris are not the only ones. I have many more success stories like these ones.

It’s why I have no doubt that, if you are unhappy in your career right now, you can find the career you absolutely love. I know it in all the fibers of my being.

They did it, I did it, so can you.

It is all about taking the first step, even if you can’t see beyond it yet. You can start today.

Here are 2 ways to get started

1. If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, come attend one of my workshops.
in San Jose, this Tuesday evening, March 15: Career Shift Crash Course
in San Francisco, on Monday, April 4: Career Shift: Find Work You Love
2. If you live elsewhere in the world, apply for my complimentary 60-minute “Find the Career You Absolutely Love Breakthrough Session.”

In this session, you will:
• Create a sense of clarity about the career you really want to do.
• Find out the essential building blocks for doing the career of your dreams
• Discover the #1 thing stopping you from doing the career you want.
• Identify the most powerful actions that will move towards the career you desire
• Complete the session with the excitement of knowing exactly what to do next to do the career you love.

>> Apply to the breakthrough session now.

If you know people (friends, relatives, co-workers, etc) who need help finding the career they love, feel free to forward this email to them.

Cheers to the career and life of your dreams!
