Do you know what saddens me the most in the work I do?
It is when I see people give up on themselves.
…give up on their talents
…give up on their dreams
…give up on their potential
…give up on the work they love.
I see their brilliance; I see them light up when they talk about what they love. I get so excited for what I see in them, the beauty I see, the amazing potential they have, the vision that is possible for them. I see amazing possibilities for them. I see who they are and who they can become. I see the fulfillment that awaits them if they tap into their true potential. I know it is possible for them if they would just reach for it…
They do work that is NOT who they are. They do somebody else’s work. They use someone else’s gifts instead of tapping into their unique talents and potential. Day in and day out, they work hard at being someone else and living someone else’s purpose.
They spend their whole life living someone else’s life and work. Often what society told them they should do.
And when it comes time to choose…
They choose the short-term comfort over their long-term fulfillment.
They abandon who they are. They abandon their brilliance, their potential, their dreams. They are wasting so much of their amazing resources.
Why do they do that?
They may give a lot of excuses (not enough money, not enough time, etc) but often this is not the true reason.
The true reason is: FEAR
They are scared: scared of change, scared of the unknown, scared of not being good enough. And they let the fear makes the decision for them and be in the driver seat of their lives.
Change is scary.
But this is the only way to a life and work of fulfillment. A life fully lived with no regrets.
What are you choosing?
Are you choosing fear? and to live an unfulfilled, half-lived life, stay in the comfort of not making any change, and have regrets at the end of your life?
Are you choosing to discover and embrace the amazing potential and talents you have, and go after your dreams, live your purpose, find work that is meaningful?
The choice is yours. No one else.
This is not society’s choice, your parents’, your friends’, your spouse’s, nobody else but your choice, and you do have a choice. You may think you don’t, but you choose every day even by the decisions you don’t make.
You are the captain of your destiny. Nobody else can make this choice for you.
What will you choose?
If you choose a career of meaning and fulfillment and need support clarifying what it is, I would be delighted to help you.
My program Roadmap To A Career You Love is still open for a few more amazing people, and I’d love to see if we are a match.
You can learn more and apply here.
I look forward to talking to you!
If you have already chosen and are living work and life on your terms, I’m really happy for you!
To your brilliance,
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