They are rocking it!!

They are rocking it!!

Woohoo! My clients are rocking it!

This is one of the deepest joys of my work!

to witness my clients go from confused, bored, lost in their careers.

… clear, confident, and finding their path toward a career they love.

Here are two very cool stories I want to share with you to show you what is possible!

1. From unemployed and scattered to an exciting multi-career path as a Lawyer/Fashion designer/Mum!

When she started working with me, she was feeling totally unfocused; had many interests and could not figure out which one to pursue as a career. As a result, she kept changing course or found herself overcommitted and scattered. She was totally stuck in this pattern and could not get out of it. 

I helped her clarify what she truly needed in her career to be fulfilled, what was her core strengths, her core drivers of satisfaction, and a career path that will fit all of them.

As a result, she is now super clear about the career she wants to pursue and where to focus her attention. And we found out that, in her case, she needs a multiple-career path to be fulfilled and satisfy both her right and left brain, and how much she cares about her family.

She is now excited about her unique multi-career path as a Lawyer/Fashion designer/Mum. She is owning it and going for it!

2. From doubtful and discouraged to being invited at a Conference for women leaders in climate change!

Her true calling is helping solve climate change and protect the planet. This is what lights her up. When we started working together through my group + 1:1 program, she had lost her motivation after being poorly paid for doing things she did not enjoy. She was doubting herself and her ability. She could not see or acknowledge her strengths. She was so discouraged that she thought she had to find work outside of the environmental protection field.

Through the process together in the group and 1:1 sessions, she slowly regained her confidence. She started to see and acknowledge her strengths. She changed an old pattern that was holding her back for many years. She found her drive again for environmental protection. Most of all, she got fired up about a super exciting project she wants to take on to support climate solutions. And what is really cool is that this project is the perfect fit for her and her strengths.

Last week, during our session, she announced that she had been invited at a Conference for women leaders in climate change!

Such a wonderful recognition of her stepping into her true leadership! This is what happens when you connect with your own inner confidence; the outer world start reflecting this reality and opportunities come your way.


They have gone so far since they started working with me 6 months ago! 

Clarity, confidence, and inspired actions are now where and who they are! Yay!!

You want the same transformation in your career and confidence level? 

Stay tuned for an exciting announcement coming up very soon!


P.S.  if they did it, so can you! 

(Client Success Story) I’m so proud of her!

(Client Success Story) I’m so proud of her!



I just received this LinkedIn notification from Phoebe, one of my past clients who graduated from my program “Roadmap To A Career You Love” last year.

Check her story below! it’s VERY inspiring.

If she did it, I know you can too.

I remember how full of doubts and confusion she was when I first met her. She was living in Oakland, California and was totally bored and unchallenged in her job. She had an old dream to move to Denmark, but could not find the clarity and confidence to make any decision about it.

During our work together, I helped her find the clarity and courage to fulfill her long time dream to move to Denmark, and clarify the type of work that would truly fulfill her. 

She worked diligently at it, got accepted in a Master’s Degree in Denmark and moved there last year.

And this week, I am finding out that she is featured as an intern in a Danish company focusing on culture, communication, and collaboration, which is totally aligned with the type of work we identify during our work together.

Wow! How far she has come... and I know there is way more in store for her as her dream unfolds one step at a time.

Congratulations, Phoebe!
and I know, in all the fibers of my being, that if she did it, so can you.


And do you know why I know it??

Well, because I’ve seen this transformation so many times in so many of my clients. 

From being scared and doubtful to being confident and going for their dreams.

Not extraordinary people. Just ordinary people, like you and me. 

I KNOW you can do it too!

You just have to take the first step, whatever that means for you.

As Phoebe did when she came to my office, despite all her fears and doubts.

She chose to do something about it.

If she did it, so can you.


P.S. What will it take for you to be a success story? And if you are already a success story or on your way to one, please share below, I want to hear and cheer you on!

(Client Success Story) From stuck in her career to featured in a leading newspaper

(Client Success Story) From stuck in her career to featured in a leading newspaper

Her dream came true: she is featured in a leading newspaper. 


My client, Corinne, who graduated from my Roadmap to A Career You Love program is featured in the Boston Globe. Her vision of starting her own business and being featured in a newspaper came true.

I am SO PROUD of her. 

and I know that if she did it, so can you.

I just received this email from her:


I hope you are doing well.  I love seeing your name pop into my inbox when you I receive your newsletter.

I wanted to let you know that I have found deep joy in building a business over the last six months. See the link below – I was just featured in the Boston Globe!

I know that all of our hours and hours of work together got me to this point today. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope you are doing well!!

My fondest regards,

Like most of my clients, Corinne came to me with lots of doubts and confusion about the direction of her career and what she wanted to do.

Through our work together, I helped her gain clarity and confidence about her dream career.

As I helped her visualize what her dream career would look like, she saw herself starting her own business and being featured in a newspaper or magazine.  

Well, here it is! Her vision is now a reality.

She made the jump and her dream is coming true.

This is only the beginning for her. She has an even BIGGER vision that I helped her clarify. And I know she will do it. She is on her way, one milestone at a time.

She was very confused, had her doubts, but she persisted, she did the work. and it paid off.

If she did it, so can you.

I know it and I’m here to help. I regularly receive emails from past clients sharing about their successes.

And please, do me a favor. Don’t give up, even when the time gets roughBecause it will. It is part of the journey.

Corinne has her lows on her journey and she did not give up!

To your dreams coming true,


P.S. What will it take for you to be a success story? — and if you are already a success story or on your way to one, please share with me. I want to hear and cheer you on!

Proof that it works! How to make your career dreams a reality.

Proof that it works! How to make your career dreams a reality.

Is it really possible to make your career dreams a reality?

You may think it is not, or not for you.

Well, this is what Phoebe was thinking when I first met her in my my office in Oakland 2 years ago.

Her story (below) is a proof that it is possible, and for you too.

Phoebe was bored and stuck in work she hated. Her confidence was very low. She was very critical of herself and her abilities.

She mentioned a long time dream of living in Denmark but she had a tons of doubts about it: “Is that really what I want?”
“Do I have what it takes to move to another country?”

She was convinced that she did not and that moving to another country was for others but not for her.

I knew I could help her but she had so many doubts about herself that she nearly bailed. 

But at the last minute, she did not. And this last minute changed her life forever. 

Here is how.

She stayed and gave coaching a chance. She committed to the process, showed up, did the assignments I gave her.
She reconnected with her strengths; she got in touch with who she really was. She faced her fears and doubts.
She started to get her confidence and self-esteem back.

And then, through our work together, she clarified what type of career would be the best fit for her.
She became clear that Denmark was where she truly wanted to live and work.

And with her new regained confidence, she started thinking that maybe it was not as far-fetched as she thought.

I helped her clarify her vision for her ideal career and lifestyle and recommended her to do a vision board (collage of images) about it.

Here is a photo she put on her Vision Board in September 2016. 

Guess what?

1 year later, she took this picture from the train station in Aarhus, Denmark. October 2017.



She was accepted in a Master Degree in Aarhus University (Denmark) and she moved there in August 2017.
She is now living her dream.

Remember: She had LOTS of doubts, BIG fears; she did not think it was possible; she nearly bailed. But she did not and committed to the process, and now, she is on the other side, living her dream.

And if she did, so can you!

This is one of MANY success stories I could share with you. Stories from clients going from lost, stuck, confused, low confidence to living their career dreams.

If you are ready to clarify and manifest your greatest career dreams, I can help you too.

Here is how: I’m starting another round of my group program Roadmap To A Career You Love soon.
And I’d love to see if we are a match.

>>> Find more details and apply here.

Let’s create your success story.


P.S. This stuff works! Her story could be your story. This is proof that when you follow a proven system and get support, you can do it.

>>> Find more details and apply here.

P.P.S. Here is what Phoebe wrote about working with me.

​“Isabelle is the kind of person who makes you feel at ease, who motivates you and brings out the best in you. I had some very emotional sessions with her, and she has the ability to frame things in a positive and constructive light so that you walk away feeling like a great weight has been lifted off your shoulders and that anything is possible.
“This has been a big investment in myself of both time and money, and it has given me the sort of strong foundation I was lacking. I am now working towards a goal that I believe in and that I’m excited and proud to tell others about, and I am overall much more confident in my own talents and abilities.”

Imagine what is possible for you.

If they did it, so can you

I hope you have been enjoying 2016 so far. Spring is already on its way here in the San Francisco Bay Area. Flowers are blooming everywhere and it smells wonderful.

As Spring approaches in the North Hemisphere, I see a lot of my clients blooming into the next chapter of their career and life. I want to share some of their stories with you, so that you know….

If they did it, so can you.

I have no doubt about this. I see it happening every day in my office.

(For confidentiality purposes, I change some aspects of their identity, including their names)

Success story #1: From Sales to Human Resources
Pam was working in Sales for Google and was unhappy in her work, longing to do something she loved, but totally confused about what it was and how to find it.

Through my work with her, she found the clarity and courage to do what she really wanted. She left Google, took a sabbatical to travel, moved to Denver in Colorado, where she had always wanted to live. We identified that her dreamwork was to work in Human Resources and use her amazing people skills.
She has landed a great job in a startup and has the lifestyle she has always wanted. Lots of flexibility to do what she loves on the side, including helping her friends develop their business. She loves the freedom of driving to work when she wants. She is even getting a kitten. She has wanted to have a kitten for three years. She is happy and radiant. Everything is flowing for her.

Success story #2: From Industrial Design to starting a restaurant
Chris had been working for many years in industrial design, but reached a point where she was not happy anymore in her work. None of the job posts she would see would excite her, and she could not get herself to apply. Something was off. She wanted to do work that excited her but could not find what it was.

Through the process together, we identified that her true passion had always been cooking. She spends most of her free time cooking for friends and thinking about new recipes. She had been secretly dreaming about starting her own restaurant for years, but never found the courage to face her true desire and give it a try.
Through the confidence she gained in my process with her, she decided it was time to take the leap. As a first step, she decided to look for a job as an assistant chef in a restaurant as a way to explore the food industry and prepare herself for her dream. She made the leap and found the job she wanted, and is now on her way to make her dream career a reality, one step at a time.

Pam and Chris are not the only ones. I have many more success stories like these ones.

It’s why I have no doubt that, if you are unhappy in your career right now, you can find the career you absolutely love. I know it in all the fibers of my being.

They did it, I did it, so can you.

It is all about taking the first step, even if you can’t see beyond it yet. You can start today.

Here are 2 ways to get started

1. If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, come attend one of my workshops.
in San Jose, this Tuesday evening, March 15: Career Shift Crash Course
in San Francisco, on Monday, April 4: Career Shift: Find Work You Love
2. If you live elsewhere in the world, apply for my complimentary 60-minute “Find the Career You Absolutely Love Breakthrough Session.”

In this session, you will:
• Create a sense of clarity about the career you really want to do.
• Find out the essential building blocks for doing the career of your dreams
• Discover the #1 thing stopping you from doing the career you want.
• Identify the most powerful actions that will move towards the career you desire
• Complete the session with the excitement of knowing exactly what to do next to do the career you love.

>> Apply to the breakthrough session now.

If you know people (friends, relatives, co-workers, etc) who need help finding the career they love, feel free to forward this email to them.

Cheers to the career and life of your dreams!
