“I’ve been forcing myself into that box for 40 years.”

“I’ve been forcing myself into that box for 40 years.”

This is what one of my private clients told me this morning…

…as we were exploring the type of work that truly brings her joy, the work that is outside of the box.

She is realizing that she has been forcing herself into a box in her career until now, doing work that drains her.

Work that is not aligned with her unique design.
Work that is aligned with her dad’s design, not hers.

She had been working harder and harder day after day, year after year to stay in the box.

Are you stuck in a box? at work, or in your life?

  • How long have you been in it?
  • What box are you forcing yourself into?

How long do you want to stay in your box?

You decide.


P.S. If you want to get out of the box, let’s talk

P.P.S. You may be quite successful and content with your career and life, and still, feel like you are stuck in a box. What box do you need to free yourself from?

It is noon and I’m still in bed

It is noon and I’m still in bed

in my comfy PJs and robe. under my cozy blankets.

Meditating, journaling, life visioning, contemplating.

I have not had breakfast yet or eaten any food. Just drunk hot water from the thermos set on my bedside table.

This is a typical Sunday morning for me. and one of my favorite things to do on Sundays.

This is how I tap into my intuition and inner guidance about my life. In silence and spaciousness of time. with no pressure to do anything and get anywhere.

A lot of the visions for dreams that become manifest in my life start there, from the comfort of my bed on a Sunday morning.

In my journal. in the listening. in the silence.

  • The vision for the O1 VIsa—US VIsa for individuals with extraordinary abilities—that allowed me to fulfill my dream to stay in the US and grow my business here started on a Sunday morning from my bed.
  • Many trips, retreats, and adventures I went to were birthed from my bed.
  • My dream of moving to California and the US started from my bed.

The vision for 2021 and for the next stage of my life and business are being birthed right now as I write this, from my bed in my PJs.

My bed and my PJs on Sunday mornings are some of my most productive tools.

Yes, productive. It’s what I wrote.

Staying in bed on Sunday mornings is productive.

I resisted it at first.

Like this morning. I wanted to stay in bed and have the spaciousness to meditate, contemplate, journal.

But a part of me resisted it.

A part of me was judging it.

That part was saying: “there are many things you need to do today, and staying in bed will slow you down. You don’t have time for that.”

The part that thinks “productivity” means “doing, doing, doing,” getting things done. Everything else is laziness and time wasted.

The part that was conditioned to think productivity has to look a certain way and that staying in bed for hours without a specific end time is the opposite of productivity.

What is productivity anyway?

Where does that come from?

Why in the US and in the Western world, are we running after it, all the time?

When one of the most powerful and “productive” guidance comes from the silence, the “non-doing,” the listening within, the leisureliness of the being and slowing down.

Most of my manifested dreams were birthed in the non-doing.

I am so glad I did not listen to the conditioned part of me this morning.

And, as a result, I’m being so productive from my bed.

Birthing the next dreams that I will manifest and celebrate in 2021 and beyond.

What is a “non-productive” thing you are going to do today?

If you leave the conditioned voice of “productivity” aside, what are you called to do and be?

Do and be that!


How I get inspired and tap into my inner guidance (pics inside)

How I get inspired and tap into my inner guidance (pics inside)

As a coach and business owner, I’ve learned that this is key that I take rejuvenating breaks during the year so that I can be of best service to you, my clients, and community. 

This is NOT optional.

This is an integral part of living my purpose in the world and giving the best that I can give. 

I am recently back from a rejuvenating camping trip to the Trinity Alps in Northern California. 

This is one of my favorite combos to get inspired and tap into my inner guidance.

💦 Immerse my body in water
🌲 Spend time in nature
✏️ Contemplate, journal, write and draw

I came back feeling refreshed and clear about what I want to create in my life and business for the rest of 2020

I connected to the BIGGER VISION I’m here to create for the next five years. 

How do YOU get inspired and tap into your own guidance?

Whatever your life and work situation, this is KEY to the success and fulfillment of your goals. 


I remind this to my clients all the time.

A lot of them experience a higher level of clarity and success as a result of doing things they enjoy and that rejuvenate them.

I’d love to hear what are your ways and practices. 

Comment below and let me know. Bonus points if you share pics! 🙂

In service,


PS: The Ocean is another great medicine for me, cover photo of me at Tennessee Cove Beach, California.

Support and connection for women of color

Support and connection for women of color

I want to introduce you to my colleague, Jessica Denise Dickson, who is offering supportive connection sessions for women of color

If you are a woman of color, I highly recommend you check them out. See more information below. 

If you are not a woman of color, please share broadly to the women of color in your network who could benefit from it. This is a wonderful way to be of support and elevate the voices of our sisters and brothers of color.

If you are a woman of color:

Joining one of these sessions is an opportunity to be in a supportive community with other women of color, find rest for your soul, and be the most authentic version of yourself.

I’ve experienced personally the powerful loving presence and talent of Jessica, and I know the women in these sessions are in for a treat. Her fierce love will hold you no matter what. I highly recommend you check them out. 

Two options are available: 

Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

You matter


I was feeling heavy in my heart and mind… (How to recharge and recenter in these times)

I was feeling heavy in my heart and mind… (How to recharge and recenter in these times)

I realized that I had lost my center by constantly checking the updates of the current crisis.

Every time I was checking the updates of the Coronavirus in the US, in France, and in the world, I just could not stop myself from reading and reading more about it. It was as if a spider has taken me in its web, and I could not untangle myself from it. I was glued in it.

On Friday afternoon, I was feeling heavy in my heart and mind, as if a big dark cloud was hanging over me.
…like the gloom of the world has taken over me.

It felt like my mind was pulled away in so many directions.
…like my mind was not my own anymore.

and that I could not focus on the things I want to create in my life now.

I realized that I needed a break to recenter and come back to being the creator of my life.

Here is what I’m doing this weekend:

– I’m NOT checking ANY news or updates about the coronavirus for 2 full days at least.
– I’m taking the time to meditate, read, and journal.
– I’m writing and sharing all the amazing things I’m grateful for in my life. They are so many.
– I’m going for luscious walks in nature.
– I’m connecting with friends, family, and community through Zoom, phone calls, messages, Facebook.
– I’m being of support to people in my life who need my love and presence.
– I also attended a fun dance party on Zoom with friends.
– I asked friends on Facebook to post funny/silly memes so that I could laugh out loud.

Tonight, as I write this, I’m feeling:

– refreshed and recentered.
– lighter, with joy and gratitude in my heart.
– clear-minded about what is happening in the world and what I can do best to help.
– armed with a fresh perspective about this crisis and the blessings and rebirth that will come from it
– empowered to be an active creator of my life.

What about you?

Are you taking the time to refresh and recenter in these times?

If so, what are you doing?

If not, this is TIME! unless you want to let the events of the world be in the driver seat of your life.

This is SO important… always, but EVEN MORE so now.

Recharge and recenter, so that:
… you don’t let yourself be pulled away every moment of the day by the flow of intense news.
… you don’t let the external events dictate your life.
… you don’t lose your center, your creative force.
… you don’t let the gloom of the world colors your internal state.

Recharge and recenter, so that:
… you come back to your center.
… you connect back to your gratitude for life.
… you stay in the driver seat of your life.
… you create what you are here to create.

Be gentle with yourself.

What we are facing is unprecedented in our lifetime, and we are all learning how to be with it.

I’m learning too and doing it imperfectly.

Love and blessings to you and your loved ones,


P.S. I hope you and everyone around you is well. Here in California, we have a shelter-in-place order for 3 weeks at least.